Problem with prop_statics and black wall

12-17-2005, 07:01 AM
Goodday Gents,

First-time mapper here so I'm learning as I go. Thanks for your patience and guidance. I've searched through various map-making forums including VERC but can't find the answers to these problems:

I'm placing things like loaves of bread on a counter, a bike against a wall, a sign hanging from a bracket. They're fine in Hammer but don't are invisible once I compile and run the game in Source. Does it have something to do with merging the 3-d alignment axes of 2 different prop_statics? Or is there something I need to change within their properties?

Also I have one wall of a house that adjoins another, so two exterior walls touch each other. Not sure what happened recently but now when I run my map and look straight at that wall's interior side (wallpaper-textured), it shows as black but when I look off-axis it's textured. The other 3 walls of the same house are fine.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

12-17-2005, 07:13 AM
For the props, make sure they are prop_physics_multiplayer (in the case of the props you're trying to use). Prop_static are for props which will definitely never move (arches, windows, doors, etc)

Also make sure their fading distance isn't set to a ridiculous low number, as the engine won't ever draw the model (seen as you're never close enough to the prop in that case)

As for the texture, you must have used a model texture (identifiable by the name of the folder it's located in). When you browse textures, make sure you don't select one that starts by "models/......"

12-17-2005, 07:20 AM
Ah! Many thanks Furyo..I get it now :) I was thinking that since I didn't want them to move, I'd use prop_static as opposed to physically being able to move! I'm sure you're right about the building texture too. I'll go back and change them asap.

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