
12-09-2005, 02:09 AM
Well after the horrible crashes in the b2 & b3 releases, I decided to start work on the middle area of my map. The middle area and half of the axis side of the bridge are being completly re-made and I've just spent half an hour running around with a bazooka trying to shoot my way though, and it 'seems' stable ;)

Here's a list of changes for the B4 release, at an unknown date:

Remade middle 'ravine'
Remade half of Axis side
Added small alley's axis side of bridge
Added more accessibility for the middle area
Tweaked lighting, made it a tad brighter (will not go any brighter, its supposed to be night)
Added extra door & room to allied building on their side of bridge

I might be adding a few more windows to some buildings and plans are to add a few more 'enterable' buildings on the axis side.

Here are two screenshots, please remember it looks a little bland due to it being a work in progress!

If it seems too dark, it might be the webpage & image contrast, try viewing it with a black background.

Edit: Extreme apologies to anyone affected by the crashes, I can assure you that something that small will not be over looked again!

12-09-2005, 03:29 AM
Good work m8, I would def agree that the screen shots appear darker than the map actually is in play.

No crashes with b3 last night although we had no zooks on anyway, plays really well, lots of routes across.

12-09-2005, 03:07 PM

I did not yet have the chance to play this map, but when looking at the screenshot it seems a pity to me that the actual ingame map would be brighter.
The screenshots seem to have a nice lighting to reflect a night and I would already not go any brighter than this.
Maybe there's a reason I cannot see on the pics, but they do seem in good balance.

This dark also makes the map very atmospheric, which is a big added value !

Hope I get the chance to play it soon !


12-09-2005, 04:29 PM
Kinda hard to explain but if you like the look of the map then you will like it in play.

I more meant to ppl put off by the light level you can actually see pretty well in game, its a really good map and I hope it gets the recognition it deserves.

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