
12-06-2005, 06:32 AM
Just a quick question to see if anyone has got this or any other method of displaying text to work.

Ive been trying for a few hours to get it to work and seem to be getting nowhere.

If any of you have played my Liberer map you will understand that I am trying to get it to display when a player is near the target on the bunkers to encourage them to shoot the hole in the wall.

Thanks for any help

12-06-2005, 06:47 AM
The only way to have it work so far as I understand it is to use the hud hints. Game_text won't work. You can find more info on that in my "One way to have "objectives" in a map post, from yesterday

12-06-2005, 07:10 AM
Originally posted by Furyo
The only way to have it work so far as I understand it is to use the hud hints. Game_text won't work. You can find more info on that in my "One way to have "objectives" in a map post, from yesterday

Oops cant believe I missed that, thanks for the help and to anyone else stumbling into this thread with the same problem go here

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