OK me hearties...
11-30-2005, 06:32 PM
Argentan is out (update just started). What's new in this puppy for mapping resources? Models, textures, etc.
11-30-2005, 06:39 PM
I'd wait for it to fully download to reply but OMG A NEW MAP!
Well as far as I can tell there are only 10 anzio textures or so so I wouldn't get too excited, by no doubt a few new models (planes at least)
otF yetihw
11-30-2005, 06:41 PM
omg yes I saw the bomber in skybox type thing in the screenshot, am looking forward to seeing how good that is... updating now
11-30-2005, 06:44 PM
Models I've seen in-map...
US Jeep
Train Flatcar
German armored car thingey w/a big gun on top (forget the name)
Airplanes flying high overhead
Lower passing airplane
Windmill (skybox version?)
German Kettenkraft (little jeep thing) car
11-30-2005, 06:46 PM
Awesome :D
11-30-2005, 06:46 PM
Sorry to go OT for a bit--Waldo, are you the same Waldo who plays in my DoD:S server... Osmar.net?
Anyway, adding the map now ;)
11-30-2005, 06:46 PM
Ok a total of 7 Argetean textures ;) And apparently theres one I've been using for my map since ages ago lol, they musta been working for ages on this one.
11-30-2005, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Waldo
Models I've seen in-map...
US Jeep
Train Flatcar
German armored car thingey w/a big gun on top (forget the name)
Airplanes flying high overhead
Lower passing airplane
Windmill (skybox version?)
German Kettenkraft (little jeep thing) car
Railgun mebe :O?
otF yetihw
11-30-2005, 07:19 PM
It's quite nice. I had a look around, if you noclip out of the axis spawn, on the left where the armoured car is, and look down there is a huge brush covering the bottom of the map (well, thats how it appears) with reflectivity 50% written on it... anyone know what this is...?
11-30-2005, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by otF yetihw
It's quite nice. I had a look around, if you noclip out of the axis spawn, on the left where the armoured car is, and look down there is a huge brush covering the bottom of the map (well, thats how it appears) with reflectivity 50% written on it... anyone know what this is...?
That's the bottom of the skybox I believe. Never experimented with it, but I think the idea is you make the bottom of the skybox not skytool (or whatever that's called), so that it doesn't emit light. The choice of reflective basically bounces a bit of the skylight back up into the map? Something like that. I think it's one of those "subtle lighting differences" thing.
Oh btw the "mystery vehicle" is this one...
I recognize it but can't remember the name.
otF yetihw
11-30-2005, 07:43 PM
Yes it's very interesting actually. I just decompiled it to take a look and the skybox is all at one level enclosing the entire map in a box, but then the brush covering the bottom of it is textured tools/toolsblack.
I also had a look at the 3d skybox, the main reason for decompiling. As you might expect there are a series of path_tracks from one side to the other. The models of the planes are models/props_vehicles/b17_skybox32.mdl, which are prop_dynamic, and there are func_brushes within them that they are parented to which are func_tracktrain. However there are two which don't have the tracktrain brushes with them.. not sure how they work. Anyway, off to take a closer look.
11-30-2005, 07:54 PM
Sweet! Just in time when I need more textures on my dani port!!! :)
Look forward to playing this one on the servers! :)
11-30-2005, 08:03 PM
The whole plane thing is nice. Really liking it.
BTW - I personally whole heartedly support the decompiling to figure out how it works. I think the biggest result is that we'll get a lot more good maps. People can better emulate the good job done by the Valve mappers.
otF yetihw
11-30-2005, 08:03 PM
Indeed, more textures = good. And waldo, the model is models/props_vehicles/222.mdl, so I'm guessing it's a 222?
*yes it is*
Destroyed Tiger tank has a new skin too...
Groovy map...
11-30-2005, 08:11 PM
pretty good for some mapping resources. the first thing i did was browse the map for props. i was really hoping for a sherman, but maybe next time. anyways, i cant wait to put some of this stuff in my own map. horay!
11-30-2005, 08:31 PM
The overhead planes are B17s. You can tell it pretty clearly from the low flying one.
11-30-2005, 08:32 PM
No one mentioned the tigers new skin :)
11-30-2005, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Waldo
That's the bottom of the skybox I believe. Never experimented with it, but I think the idea is you make the bottom of the skybox not skytool (or whatever that's called), so that it doesn't emit light. The choice of reflective basically bounces a bit of the skylight back up into the map? Something like that. I think it's one of those "subtle lighting differences" thing.
Oh btw the "mystery vehicle" is this one...
I recognize it but can't remember the name.
Looks liek a Daimler variant
11-30-2005, 08:36 PM
the props_trainstation folder has a few new ones. The clocktower for instance which you can see in waldo's pic.
+new shade of wood_halftimber
+railing01 (missing previously, but railing2/3/4 were there)
Originally posted by Rolk
Destroyed Tiger tank has a new skin too...
Groovy map...
Originally posted by Blue[)evil
No one mentioned the tigers new skin :)
11-30-2005, 08:52 PM
New Doll model as well as misc. other household item models. There are also those tire stacks. Mmmm mmmm good.
11-30-2005, 09:38 PM
Feels like 'Flash meets Avalanche' in the layout to me.
The doll is a ripoff of HL2 I believe.
Water(creek) on allies side of map serves no purpose other than to rob valuable FPS.
Planes were a nice touch, but are lifeless. Same planes flying, doing nothing. At least let them drop some skybox-bombs!! SOMEthing. A custom map, dod_omaha_v2 has a mock little spitzer that actually drops bombs in the player's path, which added a whole new element of fear and surprise and hastiness, something argentan could have capitalized on by just making them background bombs to add some feeling of nervousness for the player (subconsciously) and also to help hide footstep sounds briefly to help some players get out of a pickle or move in for a kill or even reload.
The cars were neat, the armored artillery vehicle is also.
Although some rooms felt 'real' finally, they are scattered about in a maze of partially accessible houses, which takes the 'real' feeling right out of it when you leave such a room.
The storage shed where the tires are.... feels like something was there but got nixed, leaving it feeling pointless.
Heavies have it tough on this map, but it's nothing unlike heutau, which will force us to camp a lot more. Rifles finally get a chance to work, but it still does not feel balanced due to kar/garand damage imbalance. As I tried to run around with a BAR, pinging ~100, I found it impossible to do anything but toss very well placed grenades to get kills, praying that my following spraying would finish the opponent off. Switched to a kar, dead shots issued no damage.... so does this make the ping/fps more prominent? Feels like it.
Opponents are able to jump into each other's spawn, added to that there is no spawn protection. Comon devs, these are basics in mapmaking for multiplayer online games..... No one really enjoys spawning into a line of fire over and over, this shouldn't even have to be brought up.
The kicker is that either side can also get a very very very lethal mg spot IMMEDIATELY out of the opponents spawn a la dod_flash. This is due to the map being somewhat of a small-medium sized map, which I thought the source engine could do supposedly WAY larger maps ...what is it, 16384 in each direction - something like that??.... So we still have bigger maps on dod:gold. Somewhat of a letdown to me.
Anyways, I'm happy to have a new map, but I can't say I'm overly impressed with it or the 2 months we had to wait for it. Maybe the next one will expand some more on DoD, there could be issues within the engine that I'm not aware of and for that I can understand the delay.
I'll give it an 8 out of 10 stars.
otF yetihw
11-30-2005, 09:45 PM
To HydraS, as I mentioned earlier the vehicle is a german SdKfz 222.
Adn to ozzman I agree with most of that, I just had a thorough play of it with I think teams of 12v12 and I wasn't most impressed. It is far too small, and while the openness of it makes a change it is a haven for snipers and machine gunners, leaving little room for assault classes except in certain areas. As for the planes it's a great idea and while a little rudimentary is still a nice touch.
the planes are in a 3d sky box thay rock
11-30-2005, 10:01 PM
Beautiful Map !!
GG Valve
so what texture is used on the top part of the flatbed train car since it doesn't a top one in hammer...
edit: here's why
http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/7113/dodwhitnalla100214bz.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
please don't sue me for miss use of textures currently in the map, i'm no where near finished
Sly Assassin
11-30-2005, 11:27 PM
@Waldo the armoured car is a Sd.Kfz.222 I think it was mainly used as a scout vehicle that could throw a fair amount of hurt the allies way
Anyway heres a link to the tamiya site showing it off
12-01-2005, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Sly Assassin
@Waldo the armoured car is a Sd.Kfz.222 I think it was mainly used as a scout vehicle that could throw a fair amount of hurt the allies way
Anyway heres a link to the tamiya site showing it off
Ah I knew that looked familiar. I'd been modeling a SdKfz 251 (http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/9640/sdkfz251ccw119zm.gif) before Source got released. Never finished it.
Hey that's my imageshack webspace you're stealing! :p
Edit: Oh yea, and I think that's a kubelwagon, not a kettenkraft. :cool:
12-01-2005, 03:18 AM
Originally posted by Waldo
Models I've seen in-map...
US Jeep
Train Flatcar
German armored car thingey w/a big gun on top (forget the name)
Airplanes flying high overhead
Lower passing airplane
Windmill (skybox version?)
German Kettenkraft (little jeep thing) car
YEAH Airplanes
i can at last add a model to my overhead and bombing run on smallhill
12-01-2005, 12:18 PM
The top of the flatbed is a brush with one of the (I think) HL2 metal textures. That way it gets correct shadows if you pile stuff on it, doesn't use up the model's texture sheet etc...
The windmill is made of displacement surfaces and a func_rotating entity.
12-01-2005, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Fingers
The top of the flatbed is a brush with one of the (I think) HL2 metal textures. That way it gets correct shadows if you pile stuff on it, doesn't use up the model's texture sheet etc...
The windmill is made of displacement surfaces and a func_rotating entity.
So busy playing we didn't get into details like that :^)
Good work Fingers!
Originally posted by Fingers
The top of the flatbed is a brush with one of the (I think) HL2 metal textures. That way it gets correct shadows if you pile stuff on it, doesn't use up the model's texture sheet etc...
thanks a lot
(note not final)
http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/4420/dodwhitnalla100233po.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
commander keen
12-04-2005, 01:29 PM
ok so maybe i've missed something, but where can i either
a) decompile the map
b) find models and such for the map
i'm trying to find the windmill and i can't seem to find it
or were you guys just running around the map and looking at all the stuff that might be available sometime later?
12-04-2005, 01:33 PM
i dont think the windmill is a model, rather brushwork in hammer itself.
to decompile maps, simply use vmex
12-04-2005, 01:58 PM
The windmill isn't a model. a usually good way to tell is if you can find an existing model within the architecture you're looking at. In this case, the small windmill window is a prop you can use elsewhere.
commander keen
12-04-2005, 10:25 PM
ahh got it, but i understand about decompiling, but im not sure where to find the bsp where would it be located?
otF yetihw
12-05-2005, 09:27 AM
You need a proggie called GCFScape. Here's a link:
Then open proggie, go File/Open and browse to your SteamApps folder and open "day of defeat source.gcf" and it's in /maps, obviously.
commander keen
12-05-2005, 05:49 PM
ahhh beautiful, thanks alot guys
12-06-2005, 06:01 PM
VMEX won't decompile new maps that have HDR in them, how can I fix that?
12-06-2005, 06:17 PM
Get vmex 097, the latest version, which does handle hdr
12-08-2005, 05:06 PM
Sweet, it works.
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