How do you do shadows?
Gurney Halleck
11-26-2005, 09:53 AM
I'm still learning this Hammer thing and I have a practice map to try various techniques and entities to see what they do. I've setup several prop_physics items but they're missing shadows and including the flag control points. The shadow distance on the prop_physics to 150 (default is 0). Added shadow_control but that didn't help - probably using it wrong. (
The light_environment appears to be casting shadows from the walls openings and windows on to the floor and walls, but not for the props. The light directly over the table is not casting shadows either. Is there another light source or technique needed?
11-26-2005, 10:01 AM
Make sure "disable shadows" isn't set to "yes" in your props properties
Gurney Halleck
11-26-2005, 10:19 AM
Guess I should of mentioned that - disable shadows is no.
11-26-2005, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Gurney Halleck
Added shadow_control but that didn't help - probably using it wrong.
my guess
11-27-2005, 01:12 AM
OMG good job with your fps! that map must be optimized to the teeth! :D
Make sure you are doing a normal compile, normal RAD, VIS, BSP etc...
Check you video settings, perhaps shadows are turned off? Anyone know the cvar for shawows? mat_shadows 1?
Gurney Halleck
11-27-2005, 08:25 AM
I think is has to do something with Direct X level as they show up running 8.1 hardware level. It was also mentioned on the Wiki under the bug list.
Shadows @ DX8.1 (
However, I compiled the skd_dod_flash map and ran it at DX9.0 and there were shadows on that map. Chalk it up to "what the..." ? There was an unexpected update this morning and now Hammer is trashed. Hopefully I can straighten it out.
11-27-2005, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Gurney Halleck
However, I compiled the skd_dod_flash map
Am I missing something ? Did flash come with the new hammer?
11-27-2005, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by Ca-Chicken-Soup
Am I missing something ? Did flash come with the new hammer?
You can decompile dod:s maps~ check the sticky.
Gurney Halleck
11-28-2005, 04:48 AM
Decompile? Check your dod/mapsrc/ folder in the skd content along with an HDR example. That's were I found it. Only real difference is a big tree next to the middle flag.
11-29-2005, 01:41 PM
:eek: omg no way! I have no example maps that came with the DODS package! "Sourcesdk_content\dods\mapsrc" right? I have nothing except stuff I put in there before the beta release! Oh noes! :vader:
11-29-2005, 07:11 PM
MAke sure that the "directions" in the shadow control are pointed at a downward angle or ese the shadows will project upward
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