Skinning DoD:source weapons?

11-23-2005, 02:37 AM
Ok,I'm lost. I have never had a problem skinning in 1.3 with the tools that were present for it, but how the heck do you do it in source.

I open up model viewer in the new SDK release for DoD source, and open up v_bar, but there is no way to export it to edit and skin it in CS Photo Shop.

Thought this might be like Jeds HLMV but I guess not. Was thinking we could skin with this, but there is no way to export, import with it. I extracted it with GFCscape to desktop, and tried it that way too in Jeds HLMV v1.35.

The problem is I want to skin some weapons, I go to the extracted v_bar.mdl, now how do you open it to edit the skin in you CS Photoshop? With what program? Jeds HLMV v1.35 doesn't work on source .mdls, it crashes.

MV in the SDK release doesn't import, export the weapon model, or break it down. Any clues here or explaination. I'm missing some thing? Was much easier in 1.3. ...arrrgggg!!!

11-23-2005, 02:47 AM
I'm probably wrong, but I think it's super easy now. Textures are now separate from models and can be found in the .GCF under the materials folder (materials/models/weapons/ or something). You can just edit the correlating .VTF (using the photoshop .vtf plugin), stick it in dod/materials/models/weapons/ (or whatever it is), and you're done.

If you want to add spec maps, I think you can create them in the alpha channel of the color map (regular texture .vtf) and then specify that they're there (via some command) in the .VTM file. (Check out the .VTM for the MG42 texturte for an example of this)

Normal and bump maps need to be created separately I believe, and if you want to add them to a model, I think you'd need to decompile/recompile with some changes to the .QC file.

11-23-2005, 10:28 AM
where can i get the .vtf plugin?

11-23-2005, 01:38 PM

First link on Google :O :)

11-23-2005, 02:36 PM
sorry, im lazy, and thank :-)

11-26-2005, 12:00 AM
Thanks for the info, got it to work.

Was playing around and made a red mahogany gripped, silver color BAR, yeah I know not realistic but sexy though ;).

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