Is it possible to Convert 1.0 models to 3.1?

05-22-2003, 03:25 PM
Just the player models, no need for weapons.

Ska Wars
05-22-2003, 03:28 PM
Yeah of course it is.

You would have to turn each combination of the sub model into a stand alone model. You might have to reassigns bits of the skeleton which may take awhile though. But yeah its possible.


05-22-2003, 03:37 PM
Thanks :D

I'm just looking ahead because I figure I may need to revert back to 3.1 if things keep going the way they are going with the downfall of gameplay and such :(

Ska Wars
05-22-2003, 03:39 PM
To be quite honest, I've must of played less than 10 hours of dod since it was released lol

I spend more time arsing about with my models than actually playing lol i still haven't played all the maps yet hehe


05-22-2003, 03:44 PM
Haha :D

I like 1.0 alright, but I can see it slowly turning into something I won't like for much longer. But some of the maps are good. Just stay away from the usuals...Anzio, Avalanche, Caen, etc.

Ska Wars
05-22-2003, 03:46 PM
So far i have played anzio, caen, charlie, glider, some snow map with tanks and vincenza.

I'm pretty pissed off that Koln dint make it through as that map was a snipers dream.

i also seem to be the only guy in DoD who loves Glider lol I jus love the 'commando raid' style maps lol Getting a squad and jus charging the enemy positions is the best thing in dod i think.


05-22-2003, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Ska_Wars
To be quite honest, I've must of played less than 10 hours of dod since it was released lol

I spend more time arsing about with my models than actually playing lol i still haven't played all the maps yet hehe


Same here, heh. I spend more time customizing and I have yet to play all the maps. But every time I do playing it's a new map so DoD is still great for me.

05-24-2003, 09:31 AM
Yeah there are some aspects that are pissing me off of 1.0! I still keep playing but i find myself doing mainly customizing, sounds, models, sprites, etc. It's still not perfect yet!!:rolleyes: And things such as bleeding being taken out has taken away form gameplay. I also see that ALL the mg's deploy quicker than the BAR, which just shouldn't be!:mad: And the whole hting about he icons over their head is really dumb. I used to love it in 3.1 when someone would pass by and I couldn't tell whether it was a teammate or not, so I'd have to chekc it out. Same goes for hte minimap. Dod has become to noob friendly. and whatever the hell is wrong witht he garand, it sucks now. It's jsut a buttsmackign weapon now which is sad. They said they didn't change the kar ecept the boltspeed, which is complete crap. I'e notice that they made its' penetration system WAY too powerful. 1hsot-2kills is not a common thing in v1.0 and is very annoying. IF they're gonna do it for hte kar do it for the garand. because i hate that i can shoot 2 guys who are stacked withe the garand in point blank yet I never get a 1shot-2kill!:rolleyes: :mad: The gaem still needs fixing adn needs to get rid of this noob friendly stuff!

05-24-2003, 10:16 AM
Paragraphs and sentence breaks are your friend. lol.

As for the garand thing.. aim high to get one hit kills. heh.

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