Finding the $origin :(
Is there a program out there that you can use to decompile your models, and it will write the origins of that model in the .qc?
cuz Krastito's compiler doesn't do that. it just keeps it intact.
c'mon, 21 views and 0 replies?
Use the built-in Milkshape one.
05-22-2003, 06:12 PM
The one in MS doesn't do that.
If it did, it wouldn't reset the origins and have the model far up in front of you.
I don't think there is a way to decompile a model and have it show the origins in the qc, but if you use mdldec or krastito's, it keeps the origins the same so you don't have to worry about it.
yeah but kratisto's still doesn't decompile right because the .qc doesn't work when u try to compile. what i do, is use the kratisto decompiler first, then replace the .qc with one generated from Milkshape, then add the transparent textures to the .qc. It works fine.
i dun care bout the transparency prob; i know how to use the $texrendermode function; but are there any 3rd party programs to find out the $origins?
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