Stick Nade Reskin

11-16-2005, 03:01 AM
Now includes Wile E's Normalmap version :)

've been feeling sort of "meh" about my reskins as of late. I've done a bunch, but I'm not sure if they are good enough to put out. However, I really like the way this one turned out. Now, I claim no knowledge if this is historically accurate - but I found a few pics of a fragmentation-sleeve that could be fitted to the potato masher. It just fit over the can at the end. I thought that this was not only a cool idea - but it looked pretty cool to boot. Also, I'd never seen a stick reskin with one of these on it - and I thought it'd be a good way of standing out. hehehe

Click to full-view

D O W N L O A D (;4363180;;/fileinfo.html)

Additionally, this helps give a visual-cue when playing the Assault class on the Axis side between your smoke nade and your frag nade. I know most people can tell the difference - but what the heck. :)

Hope y'all like this as much as I do.

11-16-2005, 05:40 AM
I think i will give it a try. Thanks for the reskin work :cool:

11-16-2005, 10:39 AM
Very Nice :cool:

Wile E Coyote
11-16-2005, 10:47 AM
Technically, the frag sleeve would make the nade a tiny bit wider. Okay enough of that crap :)

that skin is good. it is perfect. Very good job. I could not do better. I am going to make a high-contrast bumpmap for it to really make the serrated squares stand out.

maybe somebody who knows more about modeling can widen out the circumference of the explosive head a tiny bit. Then it would spitting image perfect. Who was it that lengthened to allied smoke grenade??? They would be able to do this easy.

Oh and BTW - this is extremely historically accurate :D

11-16-2005, 10:55 AM
Cool. :) Thanks, Mr. Coyote.

Wile E Coyote
11-16-2005, 12:42 PM
allright I'm done (it looks damn good trust me) no screen cause a screen won't show what a bumpmap really does :D;4362136;;/fileinfo.html

And for you history buffs....

Ironically even though this grenade really became the symbol of a typical German grenade (Stielhandgranate 24), only 81 million were produced before and during WW2 hostilities. In reality the much more common grenade was the "Egg". The German "Egg" grenade (Eihandgranate 39) started production in 1940 and 84 million of these were produced before the war ended. You don't see them in WW2 pictures much because they were carried in pockets and bags most of the time.

Okay I lied. Here is a screen of the stick from different angles with the bumpmap

11-16-2005, 03:48 PM
Looks awesome, Wile. Though... I can't help but feel you stole my thunder. ;)

Not that I mind - I just wish I knew how to do normal maps. ( and alpha channels, etc hehehe )

11-16-2005, 03:54 PM
Very nice HFB, I'm one of those blind fella's you talk about that can't tell which nades which;) This is a very nice addition and very well done!

Thx also to Wile for the normal map.

11-16-2005, 06:46 PM
Download in my post now includes Wile E's normalmap version as well.

My great thanks for his allowing me to bundle it with mine. :)

11-16-2005, 08:44 PM
:cool: Thanks to both of you for the reskinning work which makes the game that much more enjoyable!

12-08-2005, 02:26 PM
where do i put the file after i dl it?

12-17-2005, 06:19 AM
Wow this looks very cool to use, probably best reskin on the default there can be :D. Are the frag sleeves just popped over the top of the normal nade?
And you put the files in: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\********\day of defeat source\dod\materials\models\weapons\v_models\stick
it says in the readme :D

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