Spawning Objects When using func_breakable

11-10-2005, 10:21 PM
I want to make a weapon spawn when an object is destroyed I been searching for a soloution for the past hour ( if ya can point me to another topic about this I would be greatful but I have tried to search but came up with nothin)

I was looking at the spawn on break attribute but it's an interger hense can't just straight up weapon_garand, is there a weapon/item number for this system? I tried setting it as a random number, but if it's got a value it just crashes the game.

I know i can set weapons to players if they destroy the object but if someone throws a nade and destroys the object then they gonna be slapped with a weapon.

Thanks, MajesticM00se

11-11-2005, 03:45 AM
Several hours later still no luck, I did find there is an item and weapon ID list for spawnobject but unfortunally it's for half life only....

shame DOD doesn't have one.....

I mean there must be some way of doing it, so far i've thought of having the items break on touch and the player get slapped with the weapon then, but other than that still doesn't work.

It's possible to use multi_manager and func_breakable for destroyable items, i been trying to impliment the same method with weapons, without luck i must add.

If anyone has tried this and/or got this working i would love to hear some feedback.

11-12-2005, 02:26 PM
Does really no one have a solution?

Dark Dog
11-12-2005, 03:24 PM
Are you trying this for DODS or goldsrc?

11-12-2005, 05:22 PM
good old 1.3

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