[MREQ]: Afrikakorps pack
I'd really like to see DAK modelpack...
05-22-2003, 11:41 AM
Devin released one back in the day, perhaps eventually he'll update it for 1.0
I'm hoping the DoD team really takes up the suggestion of letting models be dynamic and changing according to the map, so you could have winter camo for winter maps, Afrika Korps models for desert maps, etc. That would add quite a lot to the game IMHO.
05-22-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by MrBatman
I'm hoping the DoD team really takes up the suggestion of letting models be dynamic and changing according to the map, so you could have winter camo for winter maps, Afrika Korps models for desert maps, etc. That would add quite a lot to the game IMHO.
That's really the one update that I'd be truely happy for, it would be a really good step.
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