Is there a way to restrict brightness?

10-17-2005, 08:38 PM
I was just wondering if there is anyway to restrict a players brightness level (as set in video options) kind of kills the point of dark maps when players put their brightness all the way up..

I keep mine at 2.0, otherwise the game looks like crap, and I feel cheap..

I've got schwarzung pretty brightness 2.0, at full brightness everything is perfectly visible..and it's just stupid IMO...

10-17-2005, 08:43 PM
IMO, it's not a good idea.

Some people's monitors are a bit screwed up / everybody doesn't have the same exact monitor. Some people have really bright monitors, some people have really dark monitors. I know that I have a dark monitor... darker than it's supposed to be. If that was restricted, I wouldn't be able to see anything properly.

10-17-2005, 09:28 PM
hmm good point, I just wish it couldn't be raised so's gonna be frustrating having to play my map full bright to even be able to have a chance..

clone rizzo
10-17-2005, 10:33 PM
there's a plug-in for 1.3 called dodguard that sets manditory values for some client variables in order to (in theory) deter config hacking. Brightness isnt a restricted command, but other light enhancing commands like lightgamma are regulated.

Of course there are 3rd party programs and other ways to boost monitor brightness... but to answer your question, yes there is a way :)

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