Photoshop, VTF and RAM issues

Wile E Coyote
10-17-2005, 11:26 AM
I have been hearing a lot of feedback from people that say they are getting RAM erros when attempting to open the hi-res (2048x2048) VTF files in photoshop (using the VTF plug-in).

I am just curious what is causing this, since I have a 3 year old computer and have no issues.

NOT TO SAY that it is not hogging memory - opening one of these babies makes my puter take a time out for at least 10 seconds.

I have a 2.3ghz AMD athlon
1 gig of RAM
I have manually set my Virtual Memory settings to a flat 2000mb (2 gigs), eliminating the need for Windows to manage my memory because it reserves a permanent block on the hardrive for swapfile usage, and is used by nothing else. I have a sneaking suspicion this may be the deciding factor, since my system specs are well below others having problems.

And I am using Photoshop 6.0

Trp. Jed
10-17-2005, 11:54 AM
Virtual memory settings seem to be the main issue. I spoke to Nem about this and he said he's not doing anything unusual within the plug-in code, although Photoshop's own memory handling routines are "odd" to say the least.

I think you need to increase the ammount of system RAM that Photoshop can use in the preferences to make it work. I have 1 GB system RAM and have set its PS useage to 80% and have no problems at all.

10-17-2005, 12:39 PM
Your tip worked, Jed!


10-17-2005, 02:49 PM
change you PS, swapfile to an unsed partition, if you have one, and in your fonts folder remove all but about a hundred or so of the ones you use most, works wonders for PS speed in opening and doing anything, I had over 5500 fonts in my folder, reduced it to about 300 and it was amazing the differrence in speed of starting PS CS2 and doing anyting with it.

Plus virtual mem should really only be 1.5 times the amount of actual physical memory, so it should have been set at 1536

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