Map request?

10-17-2005, 02:09 AM
I see alot of you guys are on the verge of releasing alot of great maps.
But something i have always loved , but i havent seen yet, is some snowy type maps and even some wooded snowy maps.
The french and German type of towns start to get old looking.

Some old Medal of Honor type maps like Snowy Park or Ardennes would be awesome.

Also is it possible along with capping the flags, is it possible to add like tanks that you have to blow up?

Kind of like what Medal of Honor had in tug-of-war?

prone ranger
10-17-2005, 02:58 AM
Hurtgen Forest would be a good setting.

in sleet, floods and mud fighting through trees like telegraph poles and pillboxes this was the most costly US engagement in WWII

objective maps, where one side needs to destroy something and the other defends it, may have to wait for the SDK update with the DoDS fgd

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