Complete black player models..

10-16-2005, 05:12 PM
The problem mainly occurs in shadows, but depending how the map works, and where someone stands, and the lighting, it can be in almost any place that isn't completely lit up.

The player model goes entirely black, like a silhouette.
It's annoying/frustrating on a few different factors.

On FF+ servers, unless the name of your fellow soldier comes up quickly (which it doesn't always when rushing around close corners, ending up face to face) you can blast him. If this is repeated, due to no intended fault of your own, you can be kicked or even banned for mtk.

The other side, is that being wary of this, you hesitate when seeing the same thing, but it being an enemy, it's you who is shot.

The other is that sometimes you can't even see them, which i know is the point sometimes, but when they're in a spot where you SHOULD see them, but all you see is a black shape, then it's kind of bs.

Anyone have this happen? Seen this before? Know of a way to fix it?

10-16-2005, 05:43 PM
It's a problem namely with custom maps (i think), the env_cubemap entity in particular. Something to do with the transition to HDR lighting.

Valve is aware of the problem and will be a posting a fix soon.


10-18-2005, 04:22 PM
This is what i mean:

Is that what the above is about then? And it's going to be fixed?

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