[Releases] sub forum?

10-16-2005, 12:22 PM
Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a Realeases subforum like in the MSA forums? It would help keeping track of all the released maps, cause as it stands most of the maps that are released a few days/weeks back get lost...

Gurkha [OwP]
10-16-2005, 02:40 PM
I agree, as I for one do not have a lot of time to search many different websites for one particular map.

10-16-2005, 03:16 PM
i would also like to see the released maps go in a subforum, maybe have a preview subforum as well =O\

10-16-2005, 03:59 PM
Definatly needed, if you arent on for a day or so, you might never be aware a map was released..

10-16-2005, 04:20 PM

10-16-2005, 04:29 PM
people here are notorious for not posting in the right forum.

Think back to the Q/A forum that for some reason was never used when people had questions.

But I have to blame the moderation or lack thereof should I say. No one ever made sure people were posting in the right area.

That kinda makes me a bit critical of making a new sub forum here

10-16-2005, 05:02 PM
If these forums need a new moderator, I'm all for it. Moving threads here and there is no big deal, I've been doing it for many years on VB boards no less.

10-17-2005, 02:02 PM
Our tutorial subforum hasn't seen action for months, couldn't we just convert that?

10-17-2005, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Watchtower
people here are notorious for not posting in the right forum.

Think back to the Q/A forum that for some reason was never used when people had questions.

But I have to blame the moderation or lack thereof should I say. No one ever made sure people were posting in the right area.

That kinda makes me a bit critical of making a new sub forum here

It's working pretty well in the MSA forum, I can't see why it wouldn't work here. Besides, it's mostly server-league admins, mappers and a few dod enthousiasts that look for custom map downloads. Not like you have your average player coming and posting over here. I think it could be pretty much self-regulated.

By the way, is there any forum mod around here to read this thread?

10-17-2005, 07:35 PM
Mapping was kinda slow before Source, so sub-forums weren't really needed, everything could be handled quite well from the main forum, but since Source was released, mapping has gotten new life and a lot of maps were already released or announced, so I think the sub-forums would be really useful now.

10-17-2005, 07:57 PM
I'm with Furyo. If the forum needs a new mod, I'd be totally up for the job.

These threads are everywhere, it needs more organization. Most people would only look at the first page (*MAYBE* the second page) and think "oh, that's it?" when theres LOTS of other good threads containing previews, releases, etc.

The sub-forums could work if there were stickies at the top of the main mapping forum directing posters to the sub-forums.

If there were more forum mods (at least *only* modding the Mapping sub-/forums if it not be all) that would clean up the place, keep the peace, and maybe even interacted with the mappers/posters in the threads, it may be just a friendlier place for all...
...AND people may have an easier time finding what they're looking for.

p.s. lol maxey, your sig is funny... hehe

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