Capture meter?

10-16-2005, 10:42 AM
You know when you're capturing a flag they show the little meter on the status of the long it'll take...blocked by enemy etc.

What file is that and is it possible to change the symbol on it? (i.e. Change the axis symbol (iron cross) to a swastica as you capture a nazi position.)

Der Landser
10-16-2005, 03:27 PM
Thatīs what Iīm interested in, too!

10-18-2005, 01:19 PM
I think the capture panel VTFs are in : \materials\vgui

I can see the progress meter but cant determine which icons are for what as i turned mine off.

Maybe that's your place

10-18-2005, 05:54 PM
thanks - they're in there

look into the releases sometime soon for it - im gonna update it

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