prop_static wierdness

10-13-2005, 04:27 PM
After a few good hours of loosing my rattle I am pleading with anyone who knows how to fix, or has seen anything like this before?

Basically the light coloured floor is a prop_static model, the surrounding dark areas are ordinary brushes.

Why is the prop_static model lit up?

no matter what I try and do eith the lights and lights_env ( apart from turning it to black ) the same thing happens..

If anyone know, thats great!!



10-13-2005, 04:45 PM
I haven't done a lot with source, but the way it worked in 1.3 was that models got thier lighting from whatever brush was directly under the origin. so if the origin is over a lit brush, the model will be lit as well.

a lot of people were having the opposite problem. burying a model origin inside another brush and having it show up black.

hope that helps.

10-13-2005, 05:23 PM
Some models contain their own light source, the infamous beta red and white flowers being of course one (it's no longer in the release). You may have found another. Have you tried with another prop and compared the results?

10-13-2005, 05:25 PM
I have seen only model lightinig issues (both dark and lit models in source) when the model origin is stuck in a solid brush. Just for the sake of it try setting the other floor brushes to func_detail to see if that fixes the problem.

10-13-2005, 11:46 PM
You by any chance haven't messed with that lil' circle in the middle of the prop ? From my limited testing that does weird stuff. Acutualy anyone know what that does? Also from what I know the model gets its lighting from its source point (the little x).

10-14-2005, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Ca-Chicken-Soup
You by any chance haven't messed with that lil' circle in the middle of the prop ? From my limited testing that does weird stuff. Acutualy anyone know what that does? Also from what I know the model gets its lighting from its source point (the little x).

The little circle thing sets the veiwable distance.

If you mess with it then yon need to be within the circle to see it in game. If that makes sense :kitty:

Can be used to hide the model when you don't need it to be visable. I believe func_occluder can be used to do a simular thing:

This is used to hide many props at a time though.

NOTE: I get all sorts of lighting problems in game, just the custom maps though:

10-14-2005, 06:12 AM
As already said, the model takes it lighting information from it's origin. Probably the origin get's enough light through the crack. Models aren't lightmapped and therefore always of the same brightness over their size.

Whatever, to get this prop to be dark enough, just create an info_lighting entity and give it a name. Then open up the properties of the floor prop and set "Lighting Origin" to hold the info_lighting name. Place the info_lighting in a dark spot and the prop should turn dark too.

10-14-2005, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by Ranson
As already said, the model takes it lighting information from it's origin. Probably the origin get's enough light through the crack. Models aren't lightmapped and therefore always of the same brightness over their size.

Whatever, to get this prop to be dark enough, just create an info_lighting entity and give it a name. Then open up the properties of the floor prop and set "Lighting Origin" to hold the info_lighting name. Place the info_lighting in a dark spot and the prop should turn dark too.

WOW, excellent information chaps.. thanks for all of your help.

In this case Ranson was spot on. I added the info_lighting and set the origin of the prop_static and it worked perfectly!

The other stuff is useful as well, all the suggestions really help to get a better picture of how to map!

Thanks again!

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