Sturmmann Josef / hi-res camo skin

Wile E Coyote
10-13-2005, 07:56 AM;4246068;;/fileinfo.html

DISCLAIMER: This skin is in no way a "true" accurate depiction. Due to model constraints the insignia is put on wrong. Camo uniforms made up less than 10 percent of the German armed forces and those that did have camo rarely had an entire matching uniform. I got this idea and pattern from a series of propaganda photos taken during the Battle of the Bulge of Waffen SS in full camo with Gewehr K43's and MP44's. Probably last German soldiers of the war to get issued camo sets.

Very similiar to the "Gefreiter Josef" skin. This one is a bit more detailed and involved. Helmet cover will never look %100 correct without altering the model, same goes for the insignia.

From the ReadMe

I made this skin to depict as accurately as possible a mid war Waffen-SS
camoflague uniform. In reality Field Gray or Gray-Green uniforms were
far more common in both the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS. Late in the war
(1944) camoflague accessories, like helmet covers, became almost
non-existant due to material shortages and crippled production.
However, enough German units used camoflague that when the US Army
tried to introduce a brand-new camoflague uniform it had to withdraw
them one month later because of a sudden increase in friendly
fire incidents. Apparently many G.I.'s assumed anything wearing
camoflague was the enemy and just shot at it. The camo pattern is
a "44 dot" style. I say style because there was no hardcore standard
and patterns, as well as materials, tended to vary from manufacturer
to manufacturer. Quite often in WW2 photos you can see soldiers all
from the same unit standing together wearing different uniforms! You
will also see many instances where not all the items the individual
soldier is wearing will match either.

* skin inaccuracies
- Waffen-SS rank was on the left side collar, and sometimes on the
sleeve in the case of Corporal-equivalents and such. There was an
eagle on the left arm as well. Unfortunately due to the way the
model was made, anything put on the left collar or arm shows up
on the right as well. So as a matter of personal preference,
rather than not put anything at all I took some creative liberties
with the rank insignia placement

I fiddled with bump maps (normal maps) long enough to find out they really don't make that much of a difference on the player models to really be worth the performance hit. It's a nifty trick but in no way takes the place of a good skinning job

If anyone feels like knocking out some weapon sleeves PM me, I will give the 2 resources to make it happen easy - the exact camoflague pattern I used and the HBT (herringbone twill) texture I made from scratch to used as an overlay

10-13-2005, 08:57 AM
that helmet cammo cover looks really great!!!

but i think the skin is recharged a little of things,....the waffen ss combat uniform was mainly practical and the camouflage was used on that aspect,...these soldiers were pioneers of modern combat equipment.

it is a amazing skin anyway

10-13-2005, 09:22 AM
Bloody fantastic skin, would like to see one without any of the ribbons and badges and so on. That'd be great.

Fantastic work though, This is now my player skin! keep it up, mate.

hehe just noticecd i was in the readme :D

Captain Higgins
10-13-2005, 09:30 AM
Another GREAT release. Very nicely done, Wiley! God help you if I get my hands on these editing wise to give them some wear and tear.

I might be able to find time to throw together some sleeves. Any chance of grabbing the PS file for this and your Heer skin as well?

10-13-2005, 10:00 AM
Very very nice!

The helmet looks really nice.

Normal maps do make a big difference in some cases. I'm sure the helmet would look fantastic with normal maps.

Since you yourself said that most camo sets were mis-matched, could you hack the helmet cover and tunic from this guy to your original skin? I might do it myself but I don't know if it'll still give me that annoying RAM error.

Multiple Wounds
10-13-2005, 10:22 AM
Wow, this skin is the BEST I'v see so far by a looong way!

10-13-2005, 10:36 AM
Waiting for an allie high res skin. Your works are awesome.

Dr. Crawford
10-13-2005, 11:24 AM
Yeah Wile they're great, but would Higgins be able to release a sexy wear and tear version of them? :)

Wile E Coyote
10-13-2005, 01:02 PM

I actually like the gray one better.

As it turns out, *somebody* (cough, cough, WIFE, cough) was messing with the little buttons on my monitor. No wonder my eyes hurt after making that skin. She upped the brightness to see something and left it that way. As a result, the friggin camo skin is actually too dark, I just didn't know it. Oh well. I've already got it corrected

Honestly, I'm looking for a way to share the TGA's with ya'all, but the file size of just one is 17mb. Let alone 3.

Maybe we can all help each other out. The above pattern was not really the 44 dot version I wanted. I was looking for exactly this

take good note: 4 colors, 2 greens 2 browns, NO BLACK, pink, red, etc

This is the camo pattern I wanted to put on it but it would take forever +1 day to make it manually. Please if you can find a good texture swatch of this please post it or PM it to me.

10-13-2005, 03:53 PM
Wile, could you add in the SS Runes, and the Sturmman collar insignia? Put it in the order as if you wore the uniform, the SS Rune patch would be on your right collar and the rank patch on your left collar.

10-13-2005, 05:09 PM
collars are mirrored like sleeves, so it would be one or the other.

Nice, beautiful job as always Wile E!

I might do some normal maps for them.

How do you make your textures, like the herringbone?

10-13-2005, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Power
collars are mirrored like sleeves, so it would be one or the other.

Nice, beautiful job as always Wile E!

I might do some normal maps for them.

How do you make your textures, like the herringbone? I guess two Sturmman patches would look wierd so maybe we could go with two SS Rune patches?

10-13-2005, 06:49 PM
Its pretty easy, I put SS runes on my waffen camo skin....

If wile wants to, I'm sure it would look great, but its not up to me. :D

10-13-2005, 08:51 PM


10-13-2005, 11:28 PM
Amazing IM downloading just incase i want to change, I like your HEER skin too much to change it hehe.

Wile E Coyote
10-14-2005, 01:16 PM


10-16-2005, 12:13 PM
Congrats on this one, it looks great. Gonna give this one a go..

10-21-2005, 11:27 AM
Me too, it's great <3 :D

10-22-2005, 02:06 AM
You make some of the best uniform skins i have seen, gj man

11-05-2005, 03:39 AM
nice but where to put them ????
i have also tryed some of youre other skins. but it want work.
only the sleeve works, and the default german skin is now crap
it haves big wird shadows or they are squerre black fields on them. it dosen look eny god at all.

so how to get it to work ???????????

Makabi Gafera
11-05-2005, 03:47 AM

11-05-2005, 01:07 PM
thanks but i did, i made the folders player and german in the materials folder but it still want work

here you can see what i mean

and as you can see the sleve works.

11-05-2005, 03:51 PM

is that a picture of a helmet?

one word to discribe it


dl's to use

Wile E Coyote
11-06-2005, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by kwsn

is that a picture of a helmet?

No. As a matter of fact the helmet was one of the few places on the skin a picture could not be used AT ALL :D

Wile E Coyote
11-06-2005, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Storkraft
thanks but i did, i made the folders player and german in the materials folder but it still want work

here you can see what i mean

and as you can see the sleve works.

I can see from the pics exactly what the problem is. You have the player skins in the wrong folder. The gear, sleeve and bumpmap skins are all obviously working. you used the actual folder names when unpacking. You were not supposed to

Straight from the READ_ME :

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\********\day of defeat source\dod\materials\models\player\german

Use the above paths. DO NOT save the actual folders the player models
are in while unzipping. They are simply there to allow me to pack both
models skins in the same ZIP file (both skins have the same name)

There are 2 folders, named somthing like "fullcamo" and "chicken wire". You have to decide which skin you want to use and then move it up one folder into the "german" folder.

11-07-2005, 01:38 AM
that worked thanks looking good.

but did there exist such uniform. wasent the cammo something they pulled over the uniform ?? but it looks good :D

Wile E Coyote
11-07-2005, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by Storkraft
that worked thanks looking good.

but did there exist such uniform. wasent the cammo something they pulled over the uniform ?? but it looks good :D

Yes this was a "44 dot" camo pattern used by the axis. Early on they had made camo smocks to go over the uniform but later in the war they started making the uniforms themselves camo too.

Field Gray / Gray-green was much more common however.

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