A Handfull of Questions

10-12-2005, 03:56 PM
A few questions that are bothering me lately quite frequently...

- How do you make physics models not be hit by people walking through it. Not sure how bad it is in DoD, but in CS:S scattered items on the floor interact horribly and can send people flying into walls.

- Is there a way to move items without pushing? I think it's in DoD now where you can press the use key, but does weight affect it?

- Is there a point to the vertex tool's selector box? Every time I miss a vertex it creates one and I can't alter any of them any more, causing me to close and re-open my map. How do I exit it so I can use the vertex tool again?

- Is there a way to rotate decals? I can do it with overlays, but not decals. (I might have it backwards, but I don't think so)

That's all for now since I can't think of any others.

10-12-2005, 04:29 PM
- Is there a way to move items without pushing? I think it's in DoD now where you can press the use key, but does weight affect it?

Ya, prop_physics_multiplayer, make sure the flag "Generate Output on +USE" is on. Weight effects it I am pretty sure, but I don't believe it's accurately simulated...

- Is there a point to the vertex tool's selector box? Every time I miss a vertex it creates one and I can't alter any of them any more, causing me to close and re-open my map. How do I exit it so I can use the vertex tool again?

I've experianced this problem since mapping for CS1.6. All you have to do is press the ESC key while having your mouse in that window and it will get rid of it...

- Is there a way to rotate decals? I can do it with overlays, but not decals. (I might have it backwards, but I don't think so)

Rotate decals ingame? Like where they are constantly rotating? If that is what you're talking about, I don't know...
To rotate the texture on a decal I believe you can select it using texture editor (w/e it's called) and do it like you'd align a texture on a solid...

10-12-2005, 04:30 PM
When you have two very close by vertices that are selected together, you need to click on each separately in the 3D view window instead of the grid, and each will be separated again.

Decals can't be rotated I believe, that's the whole point of overlays (for which you can use decals textures)

10-14-2005, 08:14 AM

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