Removing Gear and Helmets

10-12-2005, 08:54 AM
With HL1 I could get rid of various things on a playermodel by making the texture transparent and the part of the model (if not all of it ) would dissappear.

I want to get rid of the gear on the player models (ammo pouches, spade holder etc) and the Helmet

Could I get rid of these easily by making them transparent with an alpha layer, or would I have to edit the model ?

10-12-2005, 09:18 AM
I had tried making the axis helmet transparent and it worked if I started a local game but once I went online to play it showed up pure white. I posted here about it asking if there was a reason why it worked locally and not online and only got some smart ass answer.

Trp. Jed
10-12-2005, 02:06 PM
Did you have crack on your weetabix for breakfast? :confused:

Seriously using transparent textures as a way of hiding model geometery is pretty weak. The engine still has to go to the trouble of doing all the calculations for the mesh even if you cant see it.

Think outside the box - decompile the model, open the reference and LOD smd's, find the triangle sections that refer to the kit texture and delete them, save and re-compile.

It'll take you about 10 minutes and you won't have to touch a 3D app.

Dr Zoidberg
10-12-2005, 06:20 PM
Actually you wont have to touch a 2d app.

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