[REQ!] Collaboration anyone?

10-10-2005, 01:54 AM
Ok heres lads heres the plan:
Several artists of the mapping world create their own "scenarios" based on a central theme, small sized maps that would be joint together to make a awsome, very detailed, very varied gameplay map. I was going to do a series of scenarios myself but it is too much work for me at the moment, though I have quite detailed plans in mind and have produced a small portion of a bit so far.
So the theme that I was going with was the setting of the film "The Pianist". So most scenarios will be street/city based, but use your imagination!

So now is there anyone out there willing enough to take it on?
Please e-mail me at completehavok@hotmail.com (Please no spam, only serious people interested, though newbs can feel free to submit a map)

10-11-2005, 01:50 AM
Sorry *Bump* I'm sure if people interested have a look they'll be keen, c'mon make a small map and have it aucutaly used! A chance to invent new styles of gameplay and tatics!

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