Waffen SS camos
10-09-2005, 10:28 AM
Hi guys,
This is my first preview in almost 2 years! I would like to know if some one can host these beauties!
Comments are always welcome!
Multiple Wounds
10-09-2005, 10:34 AM
Wow theyre awsome!
Wow very nice! But theres a mistake with the insignas on the helmet. See this link (http://www.german-helmets.com/WAFFEN-SS%20Insignia.htm)
edit: There shouldn't be any insignas on the helmet at all, because it's just a camo cover.
edit²: there is a SS-insigna missing on the collar
edit³: Maybe you could make the helmet look like there actually was a cover over it, and not just colored as it looks like now.
10-09-2005, 01:22 PM
[i]Originally posted by PuXX
edit: There shouldn't be any insignas on the helmet at all, because it's just a camo cover.
that's right
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