[1.3 Rel] dod_bayeux

10-09-2005, 08:46 AM
This map's been sitting on my hard drive doing nothing for the last 8 months, even though it's been near enough ready to release. So, thinking of the remake I'll be doing for source, I decided to just release it.

As suggested after the beta was released, I've added advancing spawns. Both teams now spawn just after their first flag once the middle has been capped (first screenshot in the link below is the Brit 2nd spawn). I've also added some more detail to buildings and retextured some things. There are still some black models that I can't get rid of, whatever I do. They shouldn't matter too much anyway.


DL Link (includes .res) :

Ginger Lord
10-09-2005, 08:48 AM
Not bad, looks better than some of the custom source maps at the moment :p

10-09-2005, 09:18 AM
Not bad. You got a high rating on the Ginger Map Scale. That's tough to do he's a tough critic. Congratulations.

Make sure you post a link for it when you finish the source version. Looks like you put a lot of time into that map. GJ

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