
10-08-2005, 05:19 PM
I am having issues with some overlays going on inside out. I have tried rotating, flipping, changing texture under overlay from world to face and whatever else. I can rotate them, look ok in hammer, but wont show ingame, any ideas on this?


10-08-2005, 05:47 PM
you need to edit the u/v settings, u being for horizontal, v for vertical. if it's appearing backwards, you need to switch around the values.
by default, u start is 0, u end is 1. switch those numbers around and it'll appear the right way. and do the same for the v settings if it's flipped vertically.

10-08-2005, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by TheSurgeon
you need to edit the u/v settings, u being for horizontal, v for vertical. if it's appearing backwards, you need to switch around the values.
by default, u start is 0, u end is 1. switch those numbers around and it'll appear the right way. and do the same for the v settings if it's flipped vertically.
In other words: Put negative values on the U/V settings (-1.0) :p

10-08-2005, 08:37 PM
Thanks fellas works like a charm

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