RtCW DoD:S Maps
10-08-2005, 07:45 AM
I'm a big fan of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and play the game a lot with my clan. A few of us want to get the game, but they are not sure with the lack of Obj play as of yet. So, two questions since I am new to the DoD scene.
There are going to be Obj maps in addition to the "conquest" style play, right?
Would anyone be interested in doing any of the RtCW maps for Source if/once the Obj is available? Because I think some of the maps would be really sweet for DoD.
10-08-2005, 08:00 AM
It's feasible but will require some time
10-08-2005, 03:52 PM
Oh God I wish. I'm hoping and praying the voice commands "Move up with the tank!" and "Tank ahead!" mean that we're going to see ET style maps. Merderet/Ramelle would be perfect for this.
There are, however a few complications. First you'd need to create explosive packs like in 1.3, and the counter to these, repair packs. You'd also have to make it so that you could "place" these packs to the tank while an enemy is in the capture area, which defies all of modern DoD. Furthermore, if the objective was a tank, you'd also have to make a moving objective. A lot of this would require coding, so I'm not sure how feasible it would be for a custom map. So go-go dev team.
Eric the Pixie
10-18-2005, 05:46 AM
Check out this thread on this forum
The map is still out there in DoD 1.3
The screenies are still downloadable from the topic links and so is the map.
The map was created to push the HL1 engine as far as it could go (which it did). Due to an engine limitation, there were no more clip nodes available before the whole map was completed, so changes were made to the lower bunker rooms, and a modification to the objective was necessary.
A source version is currently underway which has the missing lower bunker rooms and the original wolfenstein objective gameplay.
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