[WIP] 2nd Rangers

10-07-2005, 10:06 PM
Really early to show but anywho...so far i've total reskinned the M41 jacket/Helmet/ and am almost finished with the pants. Although, I was quite disappointed to see them look exactly like the defaults! I'm not really sure what to do atm to differentiate them.

The gears are left default for the moment.

Actually got the time to work on things but im not sure later on in the future. This has a good chance of not seeing the light of day.

- Captain Higgin's leather shoes by the way.
[Update 2]

10-07-2005, 11:01 PM
Huzzah! Good to see Splinter working on DOD:S material. I can't comment on much because, as you've said, they look very similar to the defaults... But it does look like you've got some texture misalignment going on near the hips - the jacket texture doesn't seem to reach far enough around.

(bottom left pic shows it best.)

Pvt. Stephenson
10-07-2005, 11:04 PM
maybe change the faces up, its kinda creapy staring at a Army of clones, make them like Saving Private Ryan.

10-07-2005, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Genie
Huzzah! Good to see Splinter working on DOD:S material. I can't comment on much because, as you've said, they look very similar to the defaults... But it does look like you've got some texture misalignment going on near the hips - the jacket texture doesn't seem to reach far enough around.

(bottom left pic shows it best.)
I shall fix! :)

maybe change the faces up, its kinda creapy staring at a Army of clones, make them like Saving Private Ryan.
Can't. There's only one face map for all classes.

10-08-2005, 12:32 AM
Ahhh...so this is what you were talking about on MSN. Spiffy.:)

10-08-2005, 08:48 AM
i love them !! can you make a assault vest ( like this http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/72/039_34095.jpg) ? and add it to medium equipment ;)

cya and great work

10-08-2005, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by ProMou
can you make a assault vest ( like this http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/72/039_34095.jpg) ? and add it to medium equipment ;)

Can't. All classes use the same face texture and body/equipment texture unlike the previous version where they had sub-models.
Same goes for the germans.

10-08-2005, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Splinter
Can't. All classes use the same face texture and body/equipment texture unlike the previous version where they had sub-models.
Same goes for the germans.

They all use the same gear texture, but each class has uses different parts of it for their various models. You don't see anybody but the bazooka using that big ol' vest, for instance. Doing what he wants would require all new player models and an all new gear texture, but I do think it's possible. Unless I've completely missed something.

10-08-2005, 03:49 PM
They look kick ass, good job. Looking forward to it if it does get released.

10-08-2005, 04:27 PM
They all use the same gear texture, but each class has uses different parts of it for their various models. You don't see anybody but the bazooka using that big ol' vest, for instance. Doing what he wants would require all new player models and an all new gear texture, but I do think it's possible. Unless I've completely missed something.

of course , if u can remodel the bazooka vest ( like 2nd ranger assault vest ) and add it to medium gear will be great !! :D

good job

10-08-2005, 05:25 PM
awesome well what do you exspect? it is splinter :D

10-08-2005, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Splinter
Can't. All classes use the same face texture and body/equipment texture unlike the previous version where they had sub-models.
Same goes for the germans.

it has been a backward movement:(

10-08-2005, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by rosco
it has been a backward movement:(

Indeed. Although it is a whole whole lot easier to do sleeves and gloves, etc.

10-08-2005, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by BigRedJake
Indeed. Although it is a whole whole lot easier to do sleeves and gloves, etc.

maybe...but that dont help to improve the "army of clones" running around there....it's always the same sensation: "army of clones"....... a poor variety.

10-08-2005, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by rosco
maybe...but that dont help to improve the "army of clones" running around there....it's always the same sensation: "army of clones"....... a poor variety.

Yep, I really wish we had a different skin for each class.

10-08-2005, 08:45 PM
ooo very nice splinter, glad you are skinning the DoD:S models. Hope you do the axis as well:)

also, i see your having those misaligned texture problems...does the vtf tool for photoshop not fix that?:confused: ...if so you migh wanna d/l that.

10-08-2005, 09:18 PM
You S.O.B.! I thought you weren't doing any skins! lol...nice work too! Glad to see something by you :) Hope to see more too!

Do you have any tuts?

10-09-2005, 03:25 AM
Sexy as always mi amigo

Net the helmet for sniper and support (BAR)

HammeR [OwP]
10-09-2005, 07:51 AM
AS always nice work. Looking forward to any and all of your supreme skins.

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