Trees using Half Life 1 engine

10-03-2005, 08:00 PM
Is it possible to create a thick forest of trees for DoD using the original Half Life engine?

I know dod_forest has some actual 3d trees in addition to the ones painted on the walls, but could you put them absolutely everywhere?

I think it would be fun to play a thick forested map for DoD as opposed to playing dod_forest where I feel like I am indoors with decorated walls.

Just curious.

10-03-2005, 09:42 PM
Yeah you could..probably wouldn't get very great FPS though..

10-03-2005, 09:53 PM
Forest has done that because its an offical map and needs to run well on any machine, also because it is irrelevant for that map to have many more trees. I suggest using lots of models for the trees with simple (4 sided) clipping. Also, put the trees in clumps, lots of trees dotted randomly everywhere is not good for game play IMO. But yes I think if done right, it would make for a great map, make it dark :D

10-04-2005, 12:31 AM
i was thinking of doing that for dod:s but then i decided that the trees would have to be placed carefully so that u dont give the other team and advantage. THen once you finally mirror the tress on both sides you have to make a 3d sky box full of trees also and it would just become a hastle. Plus since it is all forest, that would be a hell of a lot of displacements.

10-12-2005, 06:55 PM
Naw, I don't know how to make maps for half life, I was just curious if it was possible to tree up the engine. I can see how back when it came out it would have slowed computers to a halt, but with faster computers running foilage heavey games like VietCong and Battlefield:Vietnam I didn't know if you could do the same with Half Life 1.

I was thinking of learning how to map to try something like this, but I just noticed that my guns are shooting right through the trees in DoD. This would entirely defeat the purpose of having a treed map, as I was thinking along the lines of having foilage to hide behind.

I wouldn't know if that is a variable you can change though.

10-12-2005, 07:17 PM
you could do it with an invisble brush

what map are you talking about? I've never seen trees that you walk through..bushes and stuff yeah..but never trees

10-12-2005, 07:22 PM
Not walk, shoot.

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