DoD:S Skies?

10-03-2005, 02:17 PM
What are the skies for DoD?

I see:


But all have hdr names at the end... Is this just one texture? Is there a way to use it?

Anyone know the names of the skies used in the current maps?

Second Question:

Looking to use the grass sprites from DoDS. Which textures do these work with within DoD:S? Anyone know yet?

10-04-2005, 06:37 PM
The HDR at the end of the skynames means that there are 3 images for each side (up, down, etc) because the skys use the new HDR feature in dods so there are 3 exposure levels for each side that are blended between when using hdr

The materials used for the deco layers in dods are in the sprites folder i believe, type SPRITES in the material filter in hammer and look for somehting with "detail" in the name, youy should see them, it is usuallyl ike 4-6 textures in one material

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