n00bie wants to start skinning / modeling need advice plz :D

10-03-2005, 08:50 AM
Hi guys , i have alot of time on my hands at the moment since been made redundent! (*******s) , so i thought i'd turn my hand to modeling for dod:s.
I havent done any work really on modeling before , i've played with milkshake before and have it installed along with photoshop but am pretty new to the whole concept of skinning and modeling.
I've read a few of the texturing guides etc and have got quite a few nice ideas in my head but lack the knowledge of convering ideas into a visual represenation.
Basically i want to start just editing existing skins and models to start of , just to get familiar with the concept then progress from there.
I need to know how to import source models into milkshake , where to get the skin textures from and how best to edit them and what software to use.
I'm asuming there are certain parameters in which you can skin / edit a model which limit what you can do in order to make them compataible after the compile?
I guess i need a step by step kinda guide , i'd like to start off with just bastic reskining of models can anyone offer me some quick steps of instructions which a n00bie like myself can understand?

Thx guys any help or advice is much apreciated.

10-03-2005, 12:51 PM
Come on guys help me out plz , i don't know where to begin.

10-03-2005, 01:46 PM

That is the site for you :)

10-03-2005, 01:54 PM
How do i extract the texture files from the vmd / vtf files so i can edit them in photoshop.
Also in milkshape i can't open vmd or vtf files , how do i get around this ?.

10-03-2005, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by GodZ
How do i extract the texture files from the vmd / vtf files so i can edit them in photoshop.
Also in milkshape i can't open vmd or vtf files , how do i get around this ?.

As far as the vtf files go, google up nem's vtf photoshop plugin. That'll let you open the vtf's straight to ps and save turning them into tga's first.

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