could this type of spawning be done?

05-20-2003, 12:10 PM
Ok, so this might be a bit long-winded. But here's a type of spawning system I wanted to do, but i'm not sure if it would work. It's almost like two maps in one.
Let me lay it out for you...

Here's an overview of the small portion of the map:
Map Overview (

Part "A" is where I want the axis to spawn. Part "B" will be blocked off. They will need to keep the allies from destroying their tanks located in Part "C"

Once the allies manage to destory the axis tanks, they will then spawn in Part "A" and will need to make their way up through Part "B" this time it's not "blocked off" While the axis will spawn in a different area past Part "B"

close up of part A & B (
close up of part C (

I think the tricky part will be getting the areas I want blocked off during indvidual spawns. Anyone know how this type of spawning could be acheived? All help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks...

Btw, I realize this is essentially the same as the zafod spawns...but mine's a little different in that I want certain areas to be blocked off during specific spawns.

Draft Dodger
05-20-2003, 12:41 PM
Yeah, having the Allies spawn on that bridge, with no cover, makes spawn camping really easy for the Axis. Somehow you'd have to keep the Axis from coming around that bend in the road once the Allies had blown the tanks.

Is there a story to your map? Maybe the Allied infantry had to blow the Axis tanks up so Allied tanks could safely drive through the town. That way the tank could protect the new Allied spawn on the bridge.

05-20-2003, 12:59 PM
Isnt this the type of spawn system thats in zalec?

05-20-2003, 01:01 PM
how about starting off spawning by parachute. Any possibilities?

05-20-2003, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by Draft Dodger
Yeah, having the Allies spawn on that bridge, with no cover, makes spawn camping really easy for the Axis. Somehow you'd have to keep the Axis from coming around that bend in the road once the Allies had blown the tanks.

Is there a story to your map? Maybe the Allied infantry had to blow the Axis tanks up so Allied tanks could safely drive through the town. That way the tank could protect the new Allied spawn on the bridge.
Don't worry about spawn camping, there is plenty of ways to stop it. I have most of my ideas down already to do so. That's basically what the storyline is right now.

Originally posted by phokus
Isnt this the type of spawn system thats in zalec?
Don't know, I've never played zalec. I choose work (mapping) over play. :D

Originally posted by PrimalRage
how about starting off spawning by parachute. Any possibilities?
Nah, doesn't fit into storyline. I have been working on a mapped called drop though where you do parachute in. I got the jump mostly done. Has clouds, shaking, and great ambience. I posted some screenshots of it on the old forums before. It most likely won't be finished till this and dod_wit are done though.

05-20-2003, 02:29 PM
Well ender, you might wanna play the map :D to see what im talking about, when allies cap the fountain then they move up in spawn and axis back spawn and gates open up so you can go do the last bit of objectives

05-20-2003, 04:15 PM
Ok, lets try and help ender here, he did ask a question. it looks like its too early to judge the map anyway...Stick to the subjet.

But sorry, i cant help you, has a tutorial about switching spawns i beleive that might help.

05-20-2003, 08:56 PM
Hehe, yes that's the problem with the forums I post some map pics for guides and people start judging them. :D

Anyways, I didn't really expect any help but figured i'd give it a shot. I've read a couple tutorials on advancing spawns and figure I will just have to read up on the entities to add the blocking off of areas with different spawns.

Thanks anyway Winnebago.

05-20-2003, 09:21 PM
I will write up a tutorial on progressive spawns and get that up tomorrow. and I will include a sample map and everythign so you can get it right and compile it with ease.

05-20-2003, 09:27 PM
Wow, thank you Mojo! Totally unexpected, but greatly appreciated.

Maybe you could include how to "open" and "close" off certain areas with different spawns? Or maybe i'm stretching my luck...


05-21-2003, 01:15 PM
opening and closing areas is easy - breakables or momentary walls, or even doors.

05-21-2003, 08:50 PM
bah opps, computer was nuts today, so it didn't work out.
I will get it down though, just continue to work on your map and I will get it up shortly

05-22-2003, 05:56 AM
Originally posted by Winnebago
But sorry, i cant help you, has a tutorial about switching spawns i beleive that might help.


Second time someone has got the URL wrong ... try (

I have a simple advancing spawn tut map you can download and yes Zalec looks like it has exactly what you are looking for.

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