I want to make a new .wad for Avalanche, I used Wally to extract all textures in .tga format, still they turn out black in the folder i extract them too, what to do?
believe me, if you can help me do this, you won't regret it.
Well just tested it with Wally and could extract and view files in tga and bmp format without problems. Did you try exporting in other formats?
yeah, they just turn out black :(
if you have the textures ready to go then just make a copy of ava and replace them.
If you want to extract them, retouch them up, and re insert them, then maybe trying to extract as BMP
Why bother extracting them. if its giving you probs use your old friend the screenshot. now I dont mean in game.
open them up in wally, and simply hit the print screen button on your keyboard(or get some 3rd party program) and just paste it into your imaging studio. I think you have enough brains to realize you have to crop them, and how to do that properly.
No matter, I got it to work, creating textures is not easy, not at all.
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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by
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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.