Do the Devs use custom content?

10-01-2005, 04:24 AM
Over the past few years I've watched as the devs actively participate in community discussions going on here... We've had countless instances in the MSA section alone where the Devs would comment, or provide information... After seeing Waldo kindly helping Jed by posting his player model normal mapped reskins I got to wondering..

"Do the Devs ever use any of the custom content that many of us have provided?"

Now I'm not talking about maps.. I'm asking about player models.. skins.. weapon models.. sprintes.. etc..

I'm sure that while working on the game they stick to all the defaults, but what about for their own personal use?


10-01-2005, 09:33 AM
Sometimes. If I recall correctly, Fuzzdad used Jed's glider model in the remake of dod_glider for 1.3.

10-02-2005, 05:41 PM
While I've never used any custom skins or models I have read many of the posts, looked at screenshots, downloaded models/skins to look at them more closely etc.

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