Jed's VTF tool issues :(

09-30-2005, 09:41 PM
Arg. I really would like to start dorking around with DOD:S files, but I've had zero luck so far. I got GCFscape to find the VTF stuff, but when I downloaded Jed's utility to convert them to manageable .tga's, I got some .dll errors. I went out, found the .dlls, put them in the same file and now I get a different error, which is pictured below.

For the record:

Yes, I read the readme.

I put the .exe is the folder specified (sourcesdk) and still no dice. What can be done for me?

edit: if you can't read the image because the text is smallish, it says: the prodcedure entry point q_setextension could not be locaed in the dynamic link library vstbid.dll.

...Wtf does that mean!? I'm scratching my head.

09-30-2005, 10:18 PM
There's a photoshop plugin so you can edit vtfs directly in photoshop, no need to muck around with that converting stuff.

10-01-2005, 12:06 AM
Wow, sweet. I'll try this tommorow after work. Thanks alot :)

10-03-2005, 02:06 AM
How do you get it to work?
I downloaded it, and followed the ReadMe's install directions - but I can't seem to get it to work.

I have Photoshop 7, if that helps answer the question.

10-03-2005, 03:50 AM
Hey Vandal.. Pardon if this sounds a little retarded, but the best way to get closer to an answer is to rule out the painfully obvious first..

You did fire up the Source SDK right? 'Cause I thought when you start it up for the first time it unpacks all kinds of necessary files... I swear that I thought those libraries were in there..

Also.. as an extra check run the "Refresh SDK content" (or something like that) in the SDK menu..

I checked Jed's website, and found this morsel..

IMPORTANT:If you get a message about not being able to load tier0.dll or any other dll file, its usually because the Source SDK has been updated. Before you try and run VTFTool, start the Source SDK menu and let it update your files at least once and VTFTool should then work.

10-03-2005, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by Effexx
Hey Vandal.. Pardon if this sounds a little retarded, but the best way to get closer to an answer is to rule out the painfully obvious first..

You did fire up the Source SDK right? 'Cause I thought when you start it up for the first time it unpacks all kinds of necessary files... I swear that I thought those libraries were in there..

Also.. as an extra check run the "Refresh SDK content" (or something like that) in the SDK menu..

I checked Jed's website, and found this morsel..

IMPORTANT:If you get a message about not being able to load tier0.dll or any other dll file, its usually because the Source SDK has been updated. Before you try and run VTFTool, start the Source SDK menu and let it update your files at least once and VTFTool should then work.

Oh I've opened the SDK multiple times, no use. It's alright, however the Photoshop plugin makes skinning 10x easier than using HLMV ever was, and I assume, easier than any extra app. It goes straight from PS7 into the dod folder, and done.

The only thing I miss is being able to check out playermodels without having to fire up steam.

w/e :o

10-03-2005, 11:09 AM
ok.. sweet .. Glad you got it worked out :)

Trp. Jed
10-03-2005, 01:59 PM
VTFTool is redundant, I need to post that on my website actually.

The code from it was incorporated into VTFEdit which is a much more complete and useful tool. I does everything VTFTool did but better.

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