DoD Sandbags??
I have seen the new ones in dod with all the effects in them. Could someone point me to a tutorial or tell me how you make them cause it is really cool :)
05-20-2003, 12:21 AM
When talking about DoD sandbags I guess you are talking about the ingame sandbags that are actuall modells placed in the map and not dod_sandbag entiety that makes it possible to place a machinegun a on certain place?
In that case its a model that is masked with invinsible brushes using the some texture found in the hlbasic.wad in your dod folder. When the invisible texture is hit it make the effects happen. If you search this forum for a that Waldo released a while ago you will find examples of the nice sandbags and alot other models.
yes the ones that u place in the map not the machine gun ones
05-20-2003, 12:50 AM
1.0 comes with a set of CLIP textures that have a material hardcoded into them. SAND makes sand particles appear, and METAL makes sparks, so on and so forth.
05-20-2003, 01:03 AM
Download this .map created by Waldo, it has all of the sandbags you'll ever need.
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