How do you edit DOD:S
09-29-2005, 04:47 PM
I can’t seam to open any of the material, or even find where you open it from. HLMV in the source sdk seams to only a virtual file system which only contains HL2 material. I know its all in the GFC file but what do I need to edit that material.
In short tools and procedures have changed from the first dod and I'm lost.
Makabi Gafera
09-29-2005, 05:46 PM
search for and download GCFScape, just be warned that you have to have Steam closed in order to open any of the .gcf files.
09-29-2005, 05:48 PM
You first have to convert the VTF's into something photoshop-friendly (unless there's some photoshop extension that allows you to open/edit it straight as a VTF). Then you would have to export it back out as a VTF once you're done editing it.
(use Jed's VTF Tool ( cause it's the easiest/most simple)
09-29-2005, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Makabi Gafera
search for and download GCFScape, just be warned that you have to have Steam closed in order to open any of the .gcf files.
not true, just go to option and then turn on 'Volitile Access' and you can open and extract from GCFs with Steam open.
09-29-2005, 11:18 PM
I have GCFScape. How do I look at the models? As in said, HLMV apparently can only access a virtual file system, so I cant tell it to open the files I've extracted from the GCF.
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