Overall DoD:S Impression from the MSA

09-29-2005, 04:00 PM
So my old friends :-) here we go again...
What do you think about the Models and their animations and skins ?

How do you like them compared to Older DoD versions, what would you change ? Best model/skin and Worst model/skin ?
What do you think about the new weapon POV (angle) ?
And also what's your overall comments about the general graphical aspects...

Cheers ;-]

09-29-2005, 04:05 PM

Models are alright. The only one I really care for are the M1 Carbine and M1 Garand. Others coule use some work, but are thousands of times better than previous releases.

Skins are a mixed bag depending on your weapon. But the overall feeling is that all skins (player and weapon) are TOO CLEAN. It looks like the uniforms just got back from the dry cleaners and the guns look like they were just purchased.

The FOV on the guns sucks as much as it did with DoD 1.3.

I wish the guns didn't have FOV because it makes them look fat and weird. Hopefully custom models with no FOV come out soon.

As for the graphical side...well the HUD is too silly and big. Luckily you can get rid of it.

All in all, I'm more concerned about DoD:S's gameplay, but if I had to rate the graphical side of DoD:S I'd give it an overall rating of B-

Makabi Gafera
09-29-2005, 05:43 PM
the models are well done, the animations are nice, but the skins seem to have about as much detail as the original DoD's weapon skins. (i.e. little)

I think they're much better than the old 1.3 stuff, but I think it would have been better to have split each weapon's uvs to two 1024x1024 maps, and not used mip-mapping.

in my opinion, the MP40 would be the best of the bunch, due to the fact that the skinner decided to use a bakelite handguard (points for originality there), and the Garand the worst of the bunch, due to the fact that you can easily tell how many sides there are to the stock, and the mip-mapping really makes the v_ texture look horrible.

the weapon POV is just like every other game out there, so it's nothing special.

the graphics of DoD:S are pretty good, except where mip-mapping is used, it makes everything look very low resolution, even at just 10 feet away.

Jaco Pastorius
09-29-2005, 06:53 PM
The kar scares me. The wood is way to bright and clean.

09-29-2005, 11:38 PM
The gun FOV's do look a bit on the short side. They seem a stubby to me. But it's something that can easily be fixed. I feel total opposite than Dillinger about FOV's. I think guns w/out FOV looks way too pointy. I love the FOV of the weapons in 1.3 .

The STG44 texture looks like Splinter's from 1.3, which is good. Honestly, my only gripe (if you wanna call it that) is the hands on the v_models. There's not enough detail such as dirt, hand creases, etc. But all in all, I am VERY pleased with the way DoD:S turned out. Great job Dev team.

09-30-2005, 06:12 AM
There isnt FOV on the weapons, they've now set the FOV to the engine, so if you want the weapons to look like in 3.1 or so, you got to make the barrel/tip of the gun smaller :P

09-30-2005, 08:22 AM
Texture maps are nicely done & clean cut.
I like the skins so far imo. They just need some contrast and wear at this point. They just feel 80% is finished.

The only skin/model that i don't like are the puppet hands. Way too stubby fingers and cartoony skin (literally). Lacks flesh.

10-01-2005, 12:52 PM
Chicken made a great looking set of hand textures for old DoD. If anyone reskins the v_models, use his textures.

10-01-2005, 01:49 PM
ez can you point me to those textures and I will give it a shot.

I think everything is pretty damn good apart from the model skins that lack detail. I think the gun FOV is perfect and makes it feel much more like you are holding the gun to your shoulder...

The guns could also use a little more detail in my opinion.

10-01-2005, 02:13 PM
I dont think anything from dod 1 will look very good in source compared to the new defaults, I think we are going to have make some newer stuff...

In other words, I think Slinky and Nomads Garand is put to rest...

10-02-2005, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by Splinter
Texture maps are nicely done & clean cut.
I like the skins so far imo. They just need some contrast and wear at this point. They just feel 80% is finished.

The only skin/model that i don't like are the puppet hands. Way too stubby fingers and cartoony skin (literally). Lacks flesh.

Pretty much agree with you...
I think the weapons textures are fine but most of them look too alike, same metals same wood styles... it's not too bad, it's not bad at all but could use some extra mixture.

What i didn't like is the player textures, dod 1.0-1.3 US army models/textures were really good imo, the axis are better but they are way too clean but overall both armies' uniforms look really smooth and not like cloth or wool or w/e.

The helmets are really sexy i just don't know why they have a paratrooper mark on their back.

Overall i think it's a fair graphic standard but as always... the MSA community can do better :-P

10-02-2005, 05:36 PM
the guns look like they were just purchased.

They just need some contrast and wear at this point. They just feel 80% is finished.

Noted, however I should say in my opinion wear has been overused in the past (especially by myself), beyond what would have been present during the war. Given that maps take place at so many different times in DoD, its difficult to nail down exactly what the right amount of wear should be on the weapons.

I know I'm eager to make some improvements (spec, contrast, apply some new artistic techniques) to some of my skins now that I've had a break after those busy busy months. I would definatly count on more spec at a minimum at some point.

I think they're much better than the old 1.3 stuff, but I think it would have been better to have split each weapon's uvs to two 1024x1024 maps, and not used mip-mapping.

The skins were produced at 2048x2048 resolution, and as for using 2 1024x1024 maps I think that might be difficult to do given the impact it could have on performance.

10-02-2005, 09:23 PM
Like I said, I think all the gun textures are great. They need no improvement IMO. Just the hand texture could look a lil' more life-like. Great job on the textures Agent :)

Ska Wars
10-02-2005, 09:37 PM
I'm impressed by both the models and the skins. Only thing I'm not too keen on after having looked around at the skins is that all the player classes seem to share the same base skin. Not really a problem like, but just kinda limits us to what we can do at the moment.

10-02-2005, 10:34 PM
Agreed Ska.

I would also liked to have seen different textures for each sleeve. It makes truly realistic skins impossible :(

10-04-2005, 10:58 AM
I don't know Ska.. Isn't just a matter of making custom skins, and making sure the model's particular QC points to your skin instead of the single default?

I'm thankful that each class is a separate model.. this was all I asked from DoD:S, and they delivered! :) Now I can have my team of Nude clowns fighting my Stripper Ninjas!

Trp. Jed
10-04-2005, 11:44 AM
Unfortunately the v_models are coded in the QC to use multiple skins, not sub-models and the game selects the relevent skin for which side your one.

Sadly no sub-models so no chance to have different sleeve models.

BTW, I heard that the guy that did the player models was the same guy that made the CGI model of Gollums head for LotR movies. :confused:

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