Halloween is on us we need skull heads!!!
Anyone remember the German undead soldiers that was made for DoD for Halloween?
we need um for DoD-S that would rock!!!
Captain Higgins
09-29-2005, 03:55 PM
I still have the old skins in a zip on my harddrive.
Yep I found my FX's trench coat undead to !
09-30-2005, 01:04 AM
Well, to be honest, I haven't dabbled with Source models too much.. I've extracted, chopped, and stitched some concept stuff together awhile back.. Nothing too worthwhile.. I kept using the excuse that I was waiting for DoD:S to be released.. Ok, I guess, I can't use that excuse anymore... lol...
I've got a little time coming up so I'll blow the dust off the ol' Milkshape, and take a stab.. I'd kind of like to see some Sourced Skullheads too :)
Originally posted by Effexx
Well, to be honest, I haven't dabbled with Source models too much.. I've extracted, chopped, and stitched some concept stuff together awhile back.. Nothing too worthwhile.. I kept using the excuse that I was waiting for DoD:S to be released.. Ok, I guess, I can't use that excuse anymore... lol...
I've got a little time coming up so I'll blow the dust off the ol' Milkshape, and take a stab.. I'd kind of like to see some Sourced Skullheads too :)
YEAH I new if i shacked the tree hard enough LOL
Thanks Effexx
I can make some cool movies from them!!!
If you need some of the old files i have them!!
09-30-2005, 02:28 AM
Didnt Devin Kryss do some Zombie ones as well? Or are these the ones I remember? ...I think they were in trenchcoats.
10-02-2005, 01:11 AM
Actually yeah.. He gave me permission to "Skullhead-ize" the trenchcoat pack he threw together since they seemed popular at the time... So I named the pack the FXDK-Skullhead Threnchcoats..
Er.. wait.. are you talking about bloody zombie looking models? If so, then I think you are right...
10-02-2005, 02:58 AM
Some new Trenchcoats would rock..with or without skulls. If you're going to make a pack..start with those please!
Originally posted by Strafe
Some new Trenchcoats would rock..with or without skulls. If you're going to make a pack..start with those please!
Skulls first guys only 27 day tell Halloween
Come on guys If you like the idea post give Effexx some support on making this happine.
10-08-2005, 12:57 AM
Lol... I've been a little busy lately, but had a chance to "play around" a little the other day... At the moment I'm just trying to get acquainted with the whole process again.. One thing I am concerned with though is that so far I've only seen people releasing skins for existing models... I remember that Jed converted his infamous models to DoDS during the beta testing (at least I think he did) so I'm assuming it can be done... Does anyone know if there a special Studiomdl coming, or does the existing on in the SDK work fine?
Either way Zuzu.. The Skullheads are coming.. Even before I start messing with the G.I. Joes again... :)
wenever i de-compile and go to recompile models for server-side skins
it never works as the current sourceSDK always says that u can only have one ShadowLOD but the DoD Models Have 3
one for the body, one for the helmet...and another helmet.. :/
but it is possible to compile them without the helmets :/
10-08-2005, 04:02 AM
Hmm.. that's not a good thing... I wonder then if we'll have to wait for a proper version of Studiomdl that can handle DoDS... Obviously one exists...
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