Has this concept been playtested?

09-29-2005, 07:27 AM
Has anyone ever made and played a map where two hills with defences (symmetrical design) fight eachother in the open with only trenches/tunnels/bunkers as cover and a clear sight on eachother?

Something like dod-forest (or a map named something like that) but only the center part.

I guess that seeing each team has the same defences that would assure both long distance combat for fire supremacy over the open ground and bitter close combat in the trenches connecting the sides.

Does this work? or are people just not interested in such an articifial map?

Eric the Pixie
09-29-2005, 07:58 AM
Nothing wrong with the idea.

Problems might be apparent with excessive snipers and MG's, both of which are pretty lethal at a distance.

It would probably need a fair bit of experimenting with the terrain, trench layouts, obstacles, cover, etc, to make the game play fun for everyone - not just those pesky snipers :)


09-29-2005, 08:02 AM
It would be great, as long as there are adequate class limits on snipers and MG's, eg 2 of each per team.

09-30-2005, 08:30 AM
This has been playtested with disastrous results. It's called World War I.

09-30-2005, 09:46 AM
I had a good bash at somthing similar to this back in b3.1/v1 and it had some fun results... it was just one hill but trenches winding traversing it and caves/bunkers made for some good fighting. I didn't continue with it because it was impractical back in HL1 but now we've got Source!

I think you've got a pretty good idea going there, it would certainly be fun (don't know about tactical gameplay implications though)... just make sure there's PLENTY of cover from MG and Snipers! :D

09-30-2005, 09:54 AM
go download dod_slope (yes, you haveto go back to dod:g, and i know thats gonna be hard...) but you mean something like that map?

09-30-2005, 10:12 AM
yes he is describing dod_slope, aka dod_snipe :/

09-30-2005, 10:41 AM
dod_verdun was somewhat like that. I think it would a great map for dod-sauce.

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