Missing FGD

Eric the Pixie
09-29-2005, 07:10 AM
Maybe I'm being a bit dim here......

But surely if 4 DoD:Source maps have been created (and they work extremely well), a working FGD must exist.

So why the delay in releasing it?

The only logical reason I can think of for this is that there must be some important changes to DoD:Source in the near future that will impact the way the current maps work.

If this is the case, on the next upgrade, they will only have to replace 4 maps (as opposed to the mayhem of umpteen custom maps that would have been released with the first FGD).

This is all conjecture of course, but its little wonder that folks will be trying to figure out why the FGD wasn't released with the game.

All it would take is a brief explaination as to what the plans are for the FGD release. Whats so difficult about that?


09-29-2005, 07:26 AM
I take it you haven't read the thread directly below this one?

Eric the Pixie
09-29-2005, 07:39 AM
Correct :)

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