Just a couple of things...

09-28-2005, 02:01 AM
Hey guys i was just wondering...
Can any1 explain me what the red part on the side of the mp40 is?
i can't take source serious before i know what that is :D

also how do i open the day of defeat source cgf file with the model viewer in the hl2 sdk?? can't choose day of defeat source in the game bar...
any1 got a solution? it was almost killing me yesterday!!! :D

Makabi Gafera
09-28-2005, 02:06 AM
the 'red part' on the side of the MP40 is wood.


09-28-2005, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by Makabi Gafera
the 'red part' on the side of the MP40 is wood.


Strange... i don't think that's wood... have never seen wood on a mp40...
well skinning here i come...

Makabi Gafera
09-28-2005, 02:35 AM
well you have now. :p

09-28-2005, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by Makabi Gafera
well you have now. :p

i think the mp40 on the picture looks a bit rusty... think that's what it is...

Makabi Gafera
09-28-2005, 02:44 AM



convinced yet?

09-28-2005, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by Makabi Gafera



convinced yet?

Getting there :D but is it a custom kind of mp40?
cuz i once hold a mp40 and there was no wood part pure metal...

09-28-2005, 06:11 AM
please any1 help with the model viewer...!

09-28-2005, 06:22 AM
That's not wood. It's Bakelite, an early form of plastic. They used it for a lot of things, but it proved to be handy and cheap for things like handguards on rifles and such. http://www.deactivated-guns.co.uk/detail/mp40_erfurt.htm

09-28-2005, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by Zao
I'm 99% that's not wood. It's bakelite, and early form of plastic. They used it for a lot of things, but it proved to be handy and cheap for things like handguards on rifles and such. I'd as much as wager money on it.

that's sound more realistic :D

Makabi Gafera
09-28-2005, 06:40 AM
dang, there goes my argument. :p

09-28-2005, 08:26 PM
I'm 99% that's not wood. It's bakelite, and early form of plastic. They used it for a lot of things, but it proved to be handy and cheap for things like handguards on rifles and such. I'd as much as wager money on it.

Bakelite it is. As far as it was explained to me it's made of compressed wood chips/fragments combined with (plastic?) resin. It was a request by Thunder_Weenie before I set out to skin the Mp40 :carrot:

09-28-2005, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by [DoD]Agent~0
Bakelite it is. As far as it was explained to me it's made of compressed wood chips/fragments combined with (plastic?) resin. It was a request by Thunder_Weenie before I set out to skin the Mp40 :carrot:

I remember seeing that red bit on there and being curious, and then you explaining in-game.

It was an extremely nice touch. I don't think any other games have that in them.

Makabi Gafera
09-28-2005, 10:24 PM
the only other game (well, mod) I know of that's using bakelite furnaiture on their MP40 is the Invasion 1944 mod for Operation Flashpoint.

09-29-2005, 12:45 AM
i was thinking the mp40 is in source is mistakingly a mp41 ?

Makabi Gafera
09-29-2005, 03:37 AM
nope, the MP41 has an old MP28-style stock.


10-04-2005, 07:38 PM
OoOoOOoOo MP41.... Daddy like!

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