[Skin] The DODS Steam Skin - by bmartinson13
09-20-2005, 09:11 PM
Alright, many of you know my DOD Steam Skin which I released back in the summer. (View my sig for a link to it). Now with source's arrival I'm working on a similar skin, only, as the name suggests, it portrays DoD:S.
Currently it is based off of the normal Steam Grey, mixed with my DoD Skin. I'll be making adjustments in the near future. A release of this skin will be posted in the releases forum within the next week.
***EDIT :: Sep 21, 2005***
NEW PICTURE (1380*1024)
***EDIT :: Sep 25, 2005***\
Site updated. Please visit. http://easycodod.honortolkien.org/dodskin/
09-20-2005, 09:32 PM
I don't think that light grey goes well...maybe something a little more 'graphite' colored....I dunno just a thought.
09-21-2005, 06:47 PM
alright - thanks for your insight - remember it's in a very early stage
Please view the picture listed in the first post. Should the text be made lighter and the backgrounds be made darker?
09-21-2005, 09:25 PM
Yes. :). Also if possible try making windows the U.S. Tan because with that red selector it could look very nice :)
09-21-2005, 09:36 PM
I kinda like the current one, but I agree with you on some things, soooooooo I've decided on this:
I'm going to make a skin pack, consisting of two DoD:S skins (relativly similar). One will feature the current skin you see in the picture (light grey). The second skin will be similar but with other variations such as a darker background (charcoal grey).
I'm going to take your ideas and help put them into these two skins. (meaning the light grey one wont look the same as it does in the picture - similar but with your ideas added)
question - by US tan do you mean the tan on his jacket? or are you referring to the tan i used in my DOD Skin (original dod).
09-21-2005, 09:50 PM
I mean like the tan in the background (closesed to his helmet). The tan in your older ones contains too much...red.
Now if the window thing doesn't work out well, try doing selected text as that. The reason I think it would be suck a good idea to include these colors right next-to/on top of is because it would really go along with the picture/theme.
09-21-2005, 10:14 PM
alright sounds good (i may even make three skins now that im thinking about it)
I'll do more work on Sunday or so, (or whenever I get time - I'm awfully busy lately with sports, school, etc.)
Thanks again for your insight.
10-01-2005, 09:33 AM
Looks awesome so far.
10-02-2005, 03:34 PM
Sorry I didn't update this thread
Since September 25, 2005 the DoD:S Steam Skin Pack has been available @ http://easycodod.honortolkien.org/dodskin/
10-02-2005, 04:23 PM
Cool steam skins. Think you could teach me? Hit me up on msn @ nox_pow123@hotmail.com
Im using the charcoal skin, great job.
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