2 DoD Steam Skins - Need Criticism

09-19-2005, 09:49 PM
These are my first skins, I had a look at the files in the skin made by bmartinson13, and figured it wouldn't be too hard to make my own. The allies skin uses his colour scheme, although there are plenty of changes. Its mostly my own. I fixed the missing settings button problem and the fact that some of the colours did not match, making it look tiled. If he turns out to be offended, i'll take the allies screenshot down. Here are his skins - http://easycodod.honortolkien.org/dodskin/

Tell me what you think, I would like some feedback. Especially on the colour scheme for the Axis skin, I feel it needs to be more varied but i'm at a loss as to what colours to use.

And if anyone knows how to change the steam icon shown on the top left in game, (like in the servers window while in the game) Please let me know. It kinda bugs me that in game its a steam piston, but on the desktop its the allies/axis icon.

09-19-2005, 11:41 PM
I love them! Would you allow me to make them available on the fragspersecond.net website with credits?

09-20-2005, 01:19 AM
Very nice! Might I suggest a 3rd http://www.shacknews.com/screens.x/dod_source/Day%20of%20Defeat:%20Source/1/thumbs/091505_dod_source_04.jpg

You could have some fun with that one! :) No matter what I am using one of em!

09-20-2005, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by totally_tonedef
Very nice! Might I suggest a 3rd http://www.shacknews.com/screens.x/dod_source/Day%20of%20Defeat:%20Source/1/thumbs/091505_dod_source_04.jpg

You could have some fun with that one! :) No matter what I am using one of em!

Heh, that would actually make a very nice skin. Thank you for the suggestion.

Originally posted by Vandal
I love them! Would you allow me to make them available on the fragspersecond.net website with credits?

Yes, you can. But I ask you wait until I give you more of the skin, which will include these -

http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/6180/29dq.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

09-20-2005, 06:14 PM
Your tan skin has a problem.

When you right click on the steam Icon in the taskbar, your highlight color is the same (tan) and is invisible.

Make it Grey and invert the text to white or something.

Same goes for anytime you use a pull-down menu. Like changing the server filters.

09-20-2005, 06:27 PM
You got it.

09-20-2005, 07:43 PM
No prob Sylver - Just to let you all know I am planning to make a source edition of my DoD Skin (working on it as we speak):

Oh, and that one missing button wasn't missing - it was hidden ;-)

WatchTower - refering to your problem part, that'll be fixed in the next release of my normal dod skin (v1.2)

Yo Vandal - don't forget to give me some credit eh? lol
^ serious tho

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