[hl1] texture sizes

09-11-2005, 06:08 PM
first off, i know... source is JUST around the corner, but i really dont wanna have to deal with my PC crashing a million times, so yea... im gonna make one last map with hl1

so i know with source there are those textures for the sizes and everything, but hl1 doesnt, so does anyone know a good size for doors / inside building walls and the like?

09-12-2005, 04:33 PM
Most everything is 256x256 for walls, with exceptions like 128hx256w

As for doors, open up a .wad file like for caen or donner and check out the door sizes and stick with those.

09-13-2005, 05:52 AM
Doors are usually 56 units wide, 112 units tall. Interior walls look good at 128 units tall, since this matches with most textures, and it looks just right in-game.

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