Im At It Again, [WIP] dod_Street

08-29-2005, 07:28 PM
well, here i go once again with an attempt at a map. This map was originally going to be based around my street where i live, but im too lazy to make every flippin house after taking about a month making mine (making as exact as possible and still screwing it up hardcore). So 2 of my friends will probobly dothe same thing with there houses and we are gonna dd them all together and make a map with them all. At the moment i only have my house and my garage (which isnt 100% complete yet). so here are some screen shots of it:

Front of House

Living Room

PanFrees bedroom

Spare BedRoom

Parents Room


Kitchen/Dining Room
Family Room (abit oversized...)

Bros Room

Computer Room (wont have computers cause its dod)

The Door On The Cieling (yes.. i actually have one right above my hear as i tyle this)

Washing Machine Room


back of the house

as you can see most rooms dont have furniture yet, but i am getting to that. but just incase my friends dont wanna make there houses, anyone have any suggestions of what i can do with this now???

08-29-2005, 08:04 PM
i always wanted to create my own house. or at least a room (in great detail)
maybe i will with source
anyways good job. im sure its been a lot of work trying to do things exactly as they are.
usually these kinds of maps are better for like Hostile Intent or something.

and to answer ur question. um. not much u can do with a single house. just command your friends to do their houses. in that time, u can get your house nicely detailed.

08-29-2005, 08:13 PM
I once started to do my room when I first went back into mapping... but then I got bored and stopped it.

I have a good suggestion:
Make it a rats-style map. But because of the size of the map and how much you're going to do.... I suppose it would have to be like... dod_dogs... or dod_cats.... or dod_.... something bigger than rats but would still be small enough to have lots of room to run around.

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