[REL] Updated Switch and Falaise
08-22-2005, 11:08 PM
Izuno and I updated our dod 1.3 versions of dod_switch and dod_falaise as dod_arch and dod_falaise-gap and are releasing them. We've both had them stashed away for months. There's no sense in us keeping them under wraps. Although I'm not positive, I doubt Valve will execute any further gold src map updates over Steam due to the impending release of dod:source so it's our wish to throw these out as customs. Both maps changes were made to fix errors and try and speed up gameplay.
DOD_ARCH LINK 1 (http://omc.shomizu9.us/dod_arch.zip)
DOD_ARCH LINK 2 (http://coj.multigl.net/dod/dod_arch.zip)
DOD_FALAISE-GAP LINK 1 (http://maps.nomad9.us/dod_falaise-gap.zip)
DOD_FALAISE-GAP LINK 2 (http://coj.multigl.net/dod/dod_falaise-gap.zip)
Change log for falaise/falaise-gap:
1) Fixed ladder server crash bug
2) Each two flag is a two person defense cap and one person attack cap
3) Spawns shortened up
4) Detail added, parts retextured, buildings changed
5) Sounds removed and/or volume reduced on many ambient sounds
Change log for switch/arch:
1) Opened up secondary pathways to back of church from both Axis and Allies sides. (Alternate route to bypass arches)
1a) new pathways accessible with Bazookas/Panzers
2) Moved church forward to block long-ranged sniper shots in plaza.
3) Texture and geometry fixes
4) Replaced brush plants with models
5) Fixed several "stickies"
6) Restructured Allies arch for better balance
7) Moved up spawn points and fixed spawn balance distance for Axis vs Allies.
Have fun boys...
08-22-2005, 11:10 PM
.res for dod_arch:
for dod_falaise-gap:
Guys, these versions are excellent. Please put them on your server! :)
08-22-2005, 11:14 PM
Holy crap, I thought that you were gonna keep the new Falaise under wraps. Had no idea there was a worked on Switch. Definatlely downloading, thanks guys!
08-22-2005, 11:17 PM
we'll be playing both on CoJ most of the evening :)
08-22-2005, 11:46 PM
I downloaded Falaise from the first file...and it seems to be missing the overview .bmp
08-23-2005, 12:01 AM
Can't play tonight...will probably play in the morning, though.
08-23-2005, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by Jibba-Jabba
I downloaded Falaise from the first file...and it seems to be missing the overview .bmp
Doesn't need it...it should point to the original dod_falaise overview
08-23-2005, 01:57 AM
wowowow nice, checking em out.
<3 fuzz
08-23-2005, 02:47 AM
Very cool that you guys finally were able to make those come out. I'll make sure we add them to the 907th pub rotation.
Thanks for your work guys
08-23-2005, 03:07 AM
Good to see the updated switch released ... thanks.
08-23-2005, 05:44 AM
I can't wait to play Arch on our servers, it was screaming out for new routes. No more stalemates at the plaza!
awesome, thanks! I read over a year ago that an updated version for Vicenza was ready too but would be never released. Any chance to see those mapfixes still that were planed for "1.4"? I try to find it, if i remember right there were some Chemille changes too for example, those last things that were done before dod:s development started
before retail Waldo himself updated Zafod and released some screenshots even and fixed something on Koln. Although they`re not in the official rotation anymore, could we see them sometime as custom release? As steam was introduced even a dod dev said as advantage with steam it would be easy for every1 to get some "mappacks" released.
i could go even more far back in history *g* the dev team promised shortly after beta 2.0 a "mappack" of some classic beta 1.x maps, let`s say oslo for example.
well, i gave up my hopes for that :P but seriously why not releasing the material that was planned for 1.4 and ready before they started to work with the source engine?
08-23-2005, 06:31 AM
Great! I've been wanting to see the updated switch for a long time! :)
08-23-2005, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by fAn
awesome, thanks! I read over a year ago that an updated version for Vicenza was ready too but would be never released. Any chance to see those mapfixes still that were planed for "1.4"? I try to find it, if i remember right there were some Chemille changes too for example, those last things that were done before dod:s development started
before retail Waldo himself updated Zafod and released some screenshots even and fixed something on Koln. Although they`re not in the official rotation anymore, could we see them sometime as custom release? As steam was introduced even a dod dev said as advantage with steam it would be easy for every1 to get some "mappacks" released.
i could go even more far back in history *g* the dev team promised shortly after beta 2.0 a "mappack" of some classic beta 1.x maps, let`s say oslo for example.
well, i gave up my hopes for that :P but seriously why not releasing the material that was planned for 1.4 and ready before they started to work with the source engine?
I can't speak for Waldo but let's bug him because the version he had of Zafod was pretty good...he also has an updated Koln somewhere on his hard drive. Oh...those were not promises...but honest attempts at setting something up for a "map-pack" that got overcome by events.
08-23-2005, 08:21 AM
Nice work ty very much.
08-23-2005, 08:26 AM
hey. was this intended?
looks odd; tank in the concrete and the board not leaning against anything
Good work fuzzdad, thanks!
08-23-2005, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by Neutrino
hey. was this intended?
looks odd; tank in the concrete and the board not leaning against anything
It looks like you are using a custom tank model, mine looks nothing like that.
08-23-2005, 09:13 AM
whats the name of that tankmodel? i dont have model viewer anymore, to find out.
and i dont download custom map models. so someone released a custom map using the same model name or something.
08-23-2005, 09:43 AM
I believe it's tiger.mdl. Falaise uses submodel 3 of this.
I think;)
Trp. Jed
08-23-2005, 10:44 AM
Gah! Just to add insult to injury he calls it "Falaise Gap" and its still a bloody US Airborne map!
*watches grandfather approach 30,000rpm in his grave*
08-23-2005, 11:51 AM
I still have an updated Vicenza somewhere that fixes the technical problems. Waldo has it, but that never got released of course. At that point, Shane, Fuzz and I started talking about updating Switch, so that sorta took up my time.
Also for change list, I removed the barbed wire from the top of the church. Should make it a little easier to pick off snipers and machine gunners up there.
08-23-2005, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Neutrino
whats the name of that tankmodel? i dont have model viewer anymore, to find out.
and i dont download custom map models. so someone released a custom map using the same model name or something.
Just go to your steam dod\models folder and delete the tiger.mdl file...that should work.
Originally posted by Trp. Jed
Gah! Just to add insult to injury he calls it "Falaise Gap" and its still a bloody US Airborne map!
*watches grandfather approach 30,000rpm in his grave*
On August 9, the American XV Corps received orders on August 10 to move rapidly north. On August 12 it entered Alençon, then moved on to Ecouché and finally Argentan on August 14, 22 km south of Falaise, where they were ordered to halt by Bradley (a decision supported by Eisenhower) for fear of running into the Canadians to the north—the rapid changes in troop locations was causing confusion in the Allied communication lines. The halt in the northward advance is thought to have enabled some thousands of German troops to escape. Montgomery modified the northern boundary on the 15th, enabling the Americans to advance further north, and on August 19 the US 90th Infantry Division took Chambois, 10 km north east of Argentan, where they met up with the Canadians who were heading south towards the town.
Meanwhile the main focus of the US attack turned to the east, and by August 20 they had crossed the river Seine at Mantes, with Leclerc's tanks reaching the centre of Paris on August 24.
08-23-2005, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by FuzzDad
adding to A41 server too.
do I need to copy the .res that Shane posted or is everything right in the link?
08-23-2005, 02:08 PM
You need to copy his res file
so I copy n' paste what he typed into a text file and rename the .txt to .res?
08-23-2005, 02:21 PM
copy/paste to a .txt file, then rename file:
these go in the dod/maps folder.
08-23-2005, 08:32 PM
self installer for one or both maps here:
during install it will ask which maps you want installed and find the correct folder.
08-23-2005, 10:04 PM
Great maps! Had a blast on arch last night but missed the Falaise-gap. Took a tour of it this morning for the first time and it all looks sweet to me. Thx for the updates...and get those zalec's, vicenza's and anything else that can get out while the getting's good!!!
08-23-2005, 10:16 PM
hey wasnt arch the naem of that dodmap gl was making but lost the source file ;o?
08-23-2005, 11:51 PM
Arch is what I always wanted Switch to be like: Alternate routes without having to expose yourself in the arches, easier spotting of enemies in the church (with sky as background: peice of cake), and narrower view for snipers to shoot across the yard infront of the church. Still got to try it out with human players.
In my opinion, the extreme bottlenecks which is the the arches, in todays version of dod_switch is almost forcing several serveradmins take it off the mapcycle list. I know my clans server havn't been running dod_switch for ages, since the lot of players usually cry out "Change map!" when the server changes to dod_switch.
This due to the map usually turn into a stalemate when until the timelimit is up, as fullcaps are more rare compared to any other official flagmap, as the lot of points are usually given to the team through fullcaps only, making it seem pointless.
At first, I thought Arch had a route opened up on the north side of the yard, making it possible to get pass the center flags. That would be interesting.
For Falaise-gap, I somehow think it might play better than the official version too. Gotta try it out with human players...
Too bad that only a minority of the community will play those versions.
This is something i dont understand. FD and Izuno made those new versions in their spare time, free of charge i think.
Correct me if i am wrong, does the contracts with Valve cover updated versions? If thats the case, i dont see no reason to not update them over steam.
I can understand that there isnt a place for an update like this in a week full of other steam/source/whatever updates. But sometimes there are weeks without any release.
A thing like this would distract the dev team from the dod:s development for a day, maybe two? Just pack everything together and release it. Put a disclaimer in the update news, that there wont be any support and thats it.
08-24-2005, 07:18 AM
I think valves view would be that a small update for the 2 maps wouldnt be worth it =/ It would deffinately make the dod community happy.
This is just an excuse. And we already pointed out that there more than 2 maps.
08-24-2005, 08:58 AM
If the release of DoD Source is in the next 2 months, they won't touch the old DoD at all. The mob would go "Ahh we want DoD Source and not updates of old maps". Most don't know that not all standard maps were made by the dev team and they would blame them on "wasting" time on something like that. I guess the community is just a bit too nervous at the moment (impression I get when reading the general forums).
Don't get me wrong, thats not what i think. Just some possible reasons against such an update. Personally i'd appreciate it, especially cause FuzzDad's maps are the most detailed maps out there. And the first parts of the sourcified falaise look very promising.
Has there ever been a map update between the 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 releases? Not that i remember. I wish they'd make use of the advantages of Steam more often. But I'm sure they have their reasons.
08-24-2005, 06:00 PM
i tried fuzzdad's links and i tried this
self installer for one or both maps here:
still getting same message.. havent played since last nite then i came home downloaded and tried to install and keep getting the above error
anyone help ?
Hey Joe/Paulette, I get the exact same error. Somethings a-foul.
08-24-2005, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by JoeCob
i tried fuzzdad's links and i tried this
still getting same message.. havent played since last nite then i came home downloaded and tried to install and keep getting the above error
anyone help ?
im getting same message
08-24-2005, 06:29 PM
08-24-2005, 06:29 PM
Missing model file can be found Google search "mawibse_lamp_01.mdl"
Private Dyin
08-24-2005, 06:31 PM
I got the same error message.
I did some searching on google. Google is your friend. Apparently mawibse_lamp_01.mdl is supposed to be in the DoD gcf. I had just deleted my gcf and redownloaded it. I don't know why it couldn't find it.
I did some more searching and found the file itself on a website and put it into my folder. Voila!! It works!! :D
Here's the site I found if you want to get the file.
Don't know who's site it is but thxs anyways. Google is your friend. :cool:
edit - damn you two beat me to it. Oh well. :D
08-24-2005, 09:23 PM
there was a server update that screwed up a lot of files. our server had to pull all custom maps out of rotation until it gets fixed. the steam update got us again D'OH!
08-24-2005, 10:48 PM
We know that at least one file was removed...any others?
08-25-2005, 01:29 PM
[11:28] EZ: hey man. I couldnt find those walls to blow up that leads to different paths.
[11:29] EZ: I had the whole server looking for them
[12:12] CoJShane: ?
[12:12] CoJShane: on arch?
[12:12] EZ: you know
[12:12] EZ: on switch
[12:12] EZ: yeah
[12:13] CoJShane: well, its not dod_switch
[12:13] CoJShane: you won't find them on that map
[12:13] CoJShane: dod_arch
[12:13] CoJShane: they are there
[12:13] CoJShane: should be fairly obvoius, too
[12:13] EZ: lol
[12:13] EZ: arch?
[12:13] EZ: that a default map?
[12:13] CoJShane: *hand to head
[12:13] CoJShane: NO
[12:13] CoJShane: :)
[12:13] CoJShane: the stock maps are dod_falaise and dod_switch
[12:14] EZ: where can I get dod arch
[12:14] EZ: ?
[12:14] CoJShane: FD and Izuno released updated and renamed versions, dod_falaise-gap and dod_arch
[12:14] CoJShane: http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=52780
[12:14] CoJShane: they must have powerful crack in GA
[12:14] EZ: oh ok
[12:15] CoJShane: :)
[12:15] EZ: damn, I have 24 people looking for cracks in the walls on dod switch
[12:15] EZ: lol
[12:16] CoJShane: /hand to head x 10
[12:16] CoJShane: YOU RAWK :)
[12:18] EZ: I wont RAWK to all of them when I tell them it was a mistake
[12:18] EZ: lol
[12:18] EZ: I'll look like a *******
[12:18] EZ: we spent 30 min shooting every wall on switch w/ a bazooka
[12:20] CoJShane: can I post this conversation?
[12:20] CoJShane: PLEASE
[12:21] EZ: LMAO
[12:21] EZ: ok
To all of those people I had on this wild goose chase:
08-25-2005, 01:52 PM
08-25-2005, 04:19 PM
I added the missing model to my installer, and also included the .res files in case you need those as well:
08-25-2005, 07:36 PM
bestest ever!
08-26-2005, 01:06 AM
hahahahahaha ez, cheers :carrot:
08-31-2005, 04:19 AM
for anyone who tried to dl from the first Arch link, sorry it might not have worked for a day or so...my host decided to do some dns work or something and I've heard that some folks couldn't resolve the site.
should be ok now, as of 5am CST Cox Cable's dns servers are resolving it properly, and I was able to download the file. SBC still doesn't resolve it as of yet.
thanks again to FD and Izuno for making 2 of the best maps out there :)
09-08-2005, 08:00 AM
Hi all
It's great Swicth and falaise were updated good job and all but... didn't you post images of a WIP:dod_arch 12-16 months ago here in the mapping forum? Im talking about komi's map which is another map whose source was sent to you and the textures released with a "release soon boys enjoy the pictures". Unfortunately the search function seems to forget this fact too. I'm confused please help me where is dod_arch. Komi sent it to me 2-3 years ago too, and it was a map with some potential. You retextured it but finally just kept the name for an old map of yours? that's a bad switch.
Kruger, over.
09-08-2005, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by Mythic_Kruger
Hi all
It's great Swicth and falaise were updated good job and all but... didn't you post images of a WIP:dod_arch 12-16 months ago here in the mapping forum? Im talking about komi's map which is another map whose source was sent to you and the textures released with a "release soon boys enjoy the pictures". Unfortunately the search function seems to forget this fact too. I'm confused please help me where is dod_arch. Komi sent it to me 2-3 years ago too, and it was a map with some potential. You retextured it but finally just kept the name for an old map of yours? that's a bad switch.
Kruger, over.
SSKUSSHHHHHHHHH "FD to Kruger" KUSSSHHHH "Say again all after Hi all" KUSHSHSHHHHH "message garbled" KUSSSHHH 'FD out"
09-09-2005, 07:23 AM
I'm simply asking to Izuno: thanks for your comprehension.
Best Regards, Kruger
Ginger Lord
09-20-2005, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by Mythic_Kruger
I'm simply asking to Izuno: thanks for your comprehension.
Best Regards, Kruger
Sorry to drag this back but MK is bang on. KominAaa asked around years ago to a few mappers to continue his work on a map called DoD Arch. I took it up before we agreed it was too complicated and expansive for the HL1 engine.
We stopped work on it and I used the textures he made for it in a few versions of Density before releasing them when KominAaa made a new texture set for Density.
Last I heard he had planned to remake it for Source and was in the process of doing it.
Old Pic

09-20-2005, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Warlord-Sco-
It looks like you are using a custom tank model, mine looks nothing like that.
That's a nice Garand, where could i find that one?
09-20-2005, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Ginger Lord
Sorry to drag this back but MK is bang on. KominAaa asked around years ago to a few mappers to continue his work on a map called DoD Arch.
Old Pic
so are you guys saying that izuno was given a map named arch to work on, then dropped it and renamed his map arch?
maybe I don't understand the situation, but that doesn't sound too cool. :confused:
btw ginger, the link says you are leaching your own site. lol
Ginger Lord
09-20-2005, 11:37 AM
No I was just clearing up (badly it seems) that there was a map in progress called DoD Arch. It was made by KominAaa but he lost interest in it and showed some pics and asked a few people if they'd like to finish it off, I took this up but it became too complicated.
This has nothing to do with Izuno beyond the fact he named his updated version of Switch, Arch.
Oh and I updated the pic link. It worked for me anyway.
09-20-2005, 03:43 PM
ok thanks GL, that makes a lot more sense.
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