MilkShape 3D

08-10-2005, 05:17 PM
I know how to use MilkShape 3D, but there is like another program you need to actually make the model 3D, Milkshape is like playin the game "connect the dots" but there is like a program that will fill in all the holes and crap... Like a paintball gun, w/ some program you can almost make it look like a real gun, like your able to hold it.

08-10-2005, 09:44 PM
Milkshape will do it all, some masochists have proved it here, but, I think you are thinking about UV maps (skinning) There are also video cards that will make the model look smoother than it is, all hardware work.

Maybe if this didnt help, show some pictures or be more specific in what you are looking to do.

08-11-2005, 10:54 PM
after you make your "dots" you need to move them in the x,y,and z before you get any shape. otherwise your model will be flat.

and when you skin it make shure your faces are pointing the right direction because youll get a triangle shaped hole....

there are some tut's around. they will help

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