Help with Globals and Masters...

07-12-2005, 07:00 PM
hello, im working on a pretty unique map, where there are three cap points, and you have to cap them in order, and the second one wont appear until you cap the first one and so forth. seems the map runs fine the first time its run on a server, but when the round resets, it does some weird things. here's how it works:

the three flags each have their own control_point_master, and each of those has a master that is a multi_source. and the multi source state master is set by an env_global. the first one starts on, the second and third start off.

then, as the player caps the first flag, trigger_relays turn off the first env_global, and turn on the second. then as the second flag is capped, the second env_global is turned off and the third is turned on. then when the third is capped, it triggers the allies_win dod_score_ent.

the whole thing works great.

but then when the round restarts, only the third flag resets, and the first two dont come back on. when i add trigger_relays that turn the states back to what they were at the beginning, the first two flags still dont seem to reset, and then they trigger themselves. its all VERY confusing.

im sorry if you cant understand what im trying to do, but could someone please help me to get my map to reset properly? or at least explain a little more about env_globals and the end round reset?



07-13-2005, 06:23 PM
er... am i supposed to post this somewhere else?

*edit* meh, nevermind. i fixed it myself. i had to turn "off" the cap points after they were reset by the map. which is by default three seconds after the win condition.

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