Real Looking Omaha Beach

Pvt. Stephenson
06-10-2005, 06:35 PM
Can someone make a omaha beach map with a lot of wreckage in it, like bodys on the ground and gear and weapons maybe like in Saving Private Ryan.

Pvt. Stephenson
06-10-2005, 07:09 PM .jpg

06-10-2005, 08:35 PM
id really hate to see the rspeeds.

06-10-2005, 09:52 PM
im confident that dod source will have some good beach maps. maybe the beaches wont be overloaded with corpses, wreckage and such, but im sure a good amount of detail will be used. official or custom. :)

06-10-2005, 10:25 PM
dunno why overlord wasnt continued, I think that was the best beach map with dog1 following closely

06-10-2005, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by travis
id really hate to see the rspeeds.

Actually...a beach map in DoD Source will be easier on your engine than the standard "S-turn" house-based combat maps (Flash, Donner, etc) because it'll be primarily displacement terrain with the only traditional brush work for bunkers and lots of models...the models in HL2 games take far less a strain on the engine as they do in the HL1's not he poly count that's as important as how many

06-10-2005, 11:19 PM
I vote for more Fuzzdad screenshots.


Sly Assassin
06-11-2005, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by FuzzDad
Actually...a beach map in DoD Source will be easier on your engine than the standard "S-turn" house-based combat maps (Flash, Donner, etc) because it'll be primarily displacement terrain with the only traditional brush work for bunkers and lots of models...the models in HL2 games take far less a strain on the engine as they do in the HL1's not he poly count that's as important as how many

thats quite true, in dod_desolation that I'm working on for source I'm mainly using displacement terrain and very few actual brushes and it runs alright on my comp for a source based game. I can't wait to see some beach fury happening

06-11-2005, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by FuzzDad
Actually...a beach map in DoD Source will be easier on your engine than the standard "S-turn" house-based combat maps (Flash, Donner, etc) because it'll be primarily displacement terrain with the only traditional brush work for bunkers and lots of models...the models in HL2 games take far less a strain on the engine as they do in the HL1's not he poly count that's as important as how many

And also, models in Source can have LOD submodels, so if you're in the bunkers looking out across the beach, the obstacles would be lower poly, eg the log obstacles could be reduced to 6 sided cylinders at that distance, and things like ammo boxes, crates etc that could be scattered around, would probably just disappear at that distance, as they don't really provide cover or hide anything.

If you want to see how complex a beach map can be, look at the Charlie Sector map from Forgotten Hope (BF42 mod). The beach is huge, and full of obstacles, there's trees, houses etc all over the place on top of the cliffs, and my fps is still playable on it. If you used brushes for things like the bunkers instead of just one huge model, as BF42 does for all structural things, then fps should be even higher. This game also uses LOD, and farplane, which both increase the FPS.

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