Where has Splinter gone?
04-10-2005, 01:30 PM
Our fellow splinter I believe is one of the greatest gun modelers or skiners around here. Almost every gun in my dod has been redone by splinter. I tried PM'ing him for one of his old springfield gun models but he hasn't replied. Where has he gone? I want more gun models by Splinter!!!
04-10-2005, 02:28 PM
He's here, he just doesn't do the msa thing anymore.
If you sent him a PM and he didn't reply to it, then there's nothing we can do to help you. If it was a model that was released and hosted somewhere, your best bet for finding it is at http://dodec.hlgaming.com/
Good luck. :)
04-10-2005, 04:33 PM
most are laying low, experimenting with other things (if not completley switched over) until Day of Defeat: Source comes out
04-10-2005, 08:39 PM
He is hangin out at CDG forums releasing Counter Strike Source stuff :)
04-10-2005, 10:07 PM
Tune in next time boys n' girls. Same time, same place!
04-11-2005, 04:24 AM
Originally posted by Splinter
Tune in next time boys n' girls. Same time, same place!
How the hell did you get out of my basement?!
04-11-2005, 02:18 PM
I'm still hoping for his Kar V5.. he promised it to have a bayonet..:hamster:
Splinter really is one of the greatest artists of the MSA community... so please come back once in a while!!:)
04-11-2005, 05:11 PM
Is the Splinter they refer to in Source Blog the one and only? Or is there a dark and malicious doppleganger version?
04-12-2005, 06:47 AM
the problems with these forums as I see it that when Splinter and other great artists release stuff they often get very childish or abusive critiscm (OMFG>>>>>>j000 suXXXX!!!!)... if I were an artist it would make me very hesitant to release stuff...:PARROT:
Trp. Jed
04-12-2005, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by SwedeIndeed
the problems with these forums as I see it that when Splinter and other great artists release stuff they often get very childish or abusive critiscm (OMFG>>>>>>j000 suXXXX!!!!)... if I were an artist it would make me very hesitant to release stuff...:PARROT:
Except Zao and I are in charge now and any of that crap makes your stay here a very short one. :mod:
Trust me, as DoD:S approaches we're going to get more asshats in here and whether your new or old MSA, im imposing a new world order.
04-12-2005, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Trp. Jed
Except Zao and I are in charge now and any of that crap makes your stay here a very short one. :mod:
Trust me, as DoD:S approaches we're going to get more asshats in here and whether your new or old MSA, im imposing a new world order.
Excellent :cool:
Originally posted by Trp. Jed
Except Zao and I are in charge now and any of that crap makes your stay here a very short one. :mod:
Trust me, as DoD:S approaches we're going to get more asshats in here and whether your new or old MSA, im imposing a new world order.
Agreed. Asshattery will not be tolerated. You guys all know where to the find the forum rules, we expect you to follow them. Also, if you see something getting way out of hand that we haven't gotten to yet, feel free to report bad posts.
04-13-2005, 06:44 AM
lol no one...not even Splinter gave the link to the CDG forums...so here you go FLIPINOMAD
Just bookmark it because great quality keeps flowing out of there you have to check often...I have no stock models in CS:S just this awsome craftsmanship!
Oh and just for some pimpage (on another's part) cause people here are obviously into this stuff http://cdg.csnation.net/viewtopic.php?t=19294
I know it isn't splinter but hey there is too much of his work to link to :p
04-18-2005, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by Trp. Jed
Except Zao and I are in charge now and any of that crap makes your stay here a very short one. :mod:
Trust me, as DoD:S approaches we're going to get more asshats in here and whether your new or old MSA, im imposing a new world order.
\o/ yay, thats good news :)
06-13-2005, 12:08 AM
Splintah needs to fix his BAR reload anim. Then I can stop using brute's.
06-14-2005, 04:24 AM
valve should give splinter a job, YOUR AWESOME DUDE.
Ginger Lord
06-14-2005, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by Trp. Jed
im imposing a new world order.
Oh man the thought of that tickles me, bring on DoD:S and the asshattery comments. Oh and the great custom replacements by the old gang.
06-14-2005, 01:16 PM
Oh man, totally_tonedef, thanks for the link to those source models...they look great.
Bet ya Splinter could do better though.
actually no he isnt laying low.Hes well and alive. You just dont know where to look. I dont think hes focusing on dod anymore :\
06-16-2005, 08:57 AM
he's In cdg forum
06-16-2005, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by bmartinson13
Bet ya Splinter could do better though.
ffs.. plz close this thread already, it has been posted plenty of times that he is neither working on Day of Defeat atm and lurkes around in the CDG forum (quesiton answered).
Please, we don't need opinions/comments like this. I think the whole MSA thing has gone down in flames especially showing in its latter-active times. MSA is about making things that the creator thinks is cool and is kind enough to share with the rest of the forum. If you think so and so's little project doesn't tickle your fancy than that's fine, just don't make comments like this, but atleast he's making an effort and is sharing it with the community.
this whole "OMFG xxx IS BETTER THAN xxx" is far too common and makes me want to castrate myself.
Billie, take a deep breath and relax.
06-21-2005, 05:26 PM
He went back into seclusion to train with the turtles. :o
Originally posted by Billie|Joe
ffs.. plz close this thread already, it has been posted plenty of times that he is neither working on Day of Defeat atm and lurkes around in the CDG forum (quesiton answered).
The thread was fine, in and of itself, until you posted your little rant here.
Originally posted by Billie|Joe
Please, we don't need opinions/comments like this. I think the whole MSA thing has gone down in flames especially showing in its latter-active times. MSA is about making things that the creator thinks is cool and is kind enough to share with the rest of the forum. If you think so and so's little project doesn't tickle your fancy than that's fine, just don't make comments like this, but atleast he's making an effort and is sharing it with the community.
If anything helped contribute to MSA going down in flames, it's posts like this, and attitudes like your's. There was absolutely no call to come in here and start spouting off. Let people wonder. Really, this shouldn't have been a thread, but I asked Splinter if he minded having this open and he said he didn't care. GG, flipping your wig.
Originally posted by Billie|Joe
this whole "OMFG xxx IS BETTER THAN xxx" is far too common and makes me want to castrate myself.
Now there's a productive remark. Instead of trying to find a way to calmly curb this kind of thing, you had to post a pissy remark. If you want to throw angsty fits, go do it somewhere else. I, for one, am getting really tired of it. Final warning about harassive/flame-bait posts.
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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by
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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.